Christian Band Casting Crowns Addresses Cancel Culture in New Song ‘Crazy People’
By Movieguide® Staff
Christian band Casting Crowns recently encouraged listeners to be bold for Christ, despite a culture that may cancel them for their beliefs.
In the Grammy Award-winning band’s newest track, “Crazy People,” songwriter Mark Hall said that the title is in reference to how the secular world sees Christians.
“We follow a God we’ve never seen. We pray to God we’ve never heard. And on faith, we put all the weight of our life in this God that we’ve never seen, that we know is real,” Hall said in a recent YouTube video. “Let me just tell you, that looks a little crazy to the world.”
The second verse of the song, which appears on the album “Healer,” reads: “Who brings a Bible into a public school? / Who shares a Gospel even when the world calls them a fool? / And who’s not afraid to go against the flow? / Well cancel me and call me one of those.”
In the chorus the band sings: “Crazy people trust in Jesus / Followin’ Him wherever He leads us / Kingdom seekers / Walk by faith believers / Here’s the church, here’s the steeple / Here’s to all God’s crazy people.”
Hall said that Hebrews 11 inspired the song.
“I think all the people that we would consider heroes in the Bible, the things that they would do, the steps that they would take to follow a guy that they’ve never seen,” he said. “The world sees that as crazy and I say, this world could use some more crazy!
“We need some people to start loving people like crazy. We start serving like crazy. We start stepping out, giving, like crazy and being the people that God needs us to be to reach the people that God loves,” he added. “It’s going to take us stepping out of the ordinary and doing stuff somebody might just call crazy. Maybe it’s time you get crazy!”