
Chuck Norris Encourages Christians To ‘Fight For Your Freedom’ Amidst Christmas Erasure In Public Libraries

Chuck Norris Encourages Christians To ‘Fight For Your Freedom’ Amidst Christmas Erasure In Public Libraries

By Movieguide® Contributor

In a recent article for WND, Chuck Norris wrote about the persecution Christians are facing — specifically, in public libraries. 

“Over the years, Americans have watched the whitewashing and neutering of Christmas, at least according to its classic definitions, traditions and religious origins,” the actor wrote, pointing to the rejection of songs like “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” and movies like RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER by the left as “problematic.”

“I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that the Christmas culture wars are now being ramped up in public libraries,” Norris said. 

He explained that a public library in Massachusetts was told not to display a Christmas tree; something they had done for years. 

The librarian wrote about her disappointment at not getting to put up the tree in a Facebook post:

I have never posted a negative post on Facebook. That is, until now. I found out today that my beautiful library will not have it’s Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told ‘people were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.’ I’m sorry, WHAT? In my 28 years at the Dedham Public Library, I have never heard a negative comment.

Many were outraged and shared their support of Christmas decorations in the library. 

“It’s just scary and I worry that it’s precedent-setting, that this will start to make other public buildings not display traditional holiday decorations,” said Kathleen Schortmann, a Dedham library patron.

Another library patron, Olga Babayan, agreed, saying, “We come to this library, like, two or three times a week and especially for the kids’ books, and we like it. We like the Christmas decorations. We like the holiday decorations. I think it’s nice.”

Norris wrote, “Why is it progressives are so hell-bent to fight for inclusion, until it comes to conservatism and Christianity?”

He also cited a poll that found nearly half of Americans “believe there is an organized effort to ‘remove the religious elements of the Christian holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus.’”

Norris then encouraged people to fight back against these attacks on freedom of speech.

“Do you know what ideologies your local library and librarian are pushing?” the actor asked. “Are they truly neutral or another bastion of progressive propaganda? Do you know what books, readings and philosophies are being marketed to local kids? Is there a bias against classic Christmas origins and traditions? A yuletide abandonment?”

He continued, “My fellow Americans, when free speech and religious (Christmas) expression is restricted or punished in the public square, we can be certain that we’ve drifted way too far from our roots. Isn’t it time we returned home to the U.S. Constitution? Don’t just fight for your freedom of expression — fight for others, too.”

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