Ex-Porn Star Uses Past to Help Others Come to Christ
By Movieguide® Contributor
A former stripper and porn star is opening up about how Jesus rescued him from the porn industry.
Kevin Kirchen struggled as a young man, losing his father when he was 12 and being abandoned by his mother at 14. Around this time, Kirchen said he began talking with Satan.
At 16, Kirchen attended church with some friends and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. He met a family who asked him to move in with them, but that was short-lived.
“The church didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t really their biological kid, and I was just hanging out there,” he explained. “So, the church basically told them I had to leave. They felt justified because I wasn’t a part of their family. So, the family listened to the church, and I went back to the streets.”
As a result, Kirchen had “given up on God,” adding, “I was struggling with Jesus, and I wanted the devil because I was upset with God.”
Kirchen continued, “When the devil appeared to me at the party, it was perfect timing for him. I believe God knew my purpose was to become a minister and to help people and do these things that I’m doing now. But the enemy didn’t want me to do this. So he met me at a time where I felt not only God turned His back on me, but also the Church and everybody close to me.”
After starting work at a gym, Kirchen went to a bar with friends, where they saw a male stripper contest. They joined the competition as a joke, but Kirchen, who came in second, started working as a stripper.
He later moved to LA and started to work in the pornography industry. Kirchen spent the next ten years appearing in porn and abusing drugs and alcohol.
“I knew it wasn’t going to be a good thing,” he said. “I knew Jesus. I knew all this stuff. I knew the devil. I knew everything about what was going on. But, I ended up partying that night while thinking about it, which was really not the best thing.”
Kirchen became so depressed that he attempted suicide, but before he could pull the trigger, he heard a voice say, “Don’t do it. I love you.”
He put the gun down, knowing God had spoken to him, and he eventually left the porn industry. Today, Kirchen is a minister and happily married.
“Now, I am at peace with God,” Kirchen shared. “Now, I look at this life and the world differently because there are so many people that are lost. So many people are living on feeling good moments, whether it’s cars, money, houses, sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, the internet, social media, followers, likes, fans, whatever it is, and they are wrapped up in that.”
He concluded, “I have finally come to the point in my life where I’m saying what Paul said, ‘whether I live or die, it’s for Christ.’ I have a purpose. I’m only here to do what I need to do for God, and I know I’m meant to use my past to help others come to know Christ’s love, mercy and forgiveness.”
Movieguide® has previously reported on the negative effects of pornography:
Pornography hurts adults, children, couples, families, and society.Among adolescents, pornography hinders the development of a healthy sexuality, and among adults, it distorts sexual attitudes and social realities. In families, pornography use leads to marital dissatisfaction, infidelity, separation, and divorce. Society at large is not immune to the effect of pornography. Child sex-offenders, for example, are often involved not only in the viewing, but also in the distribution, of pornography.
Pornography is powerful enough even to overwhelm individuals, couples, and families despite earlier affectionate relationships—whether between the mother and father or between the parents and the child. But loving family relationships can help mute many of the factors that encourage the use of pornography long before its addictive power takes root in a user’s life.
Movieguide® has also reported on the negative impact pornography has on children:
A 1988 report revealed that:
91% of male and 82% of female teenagers under 18 years old have seen extreme, X-rated, hard-core, pornographic sex-and-violence.
66% of the males and 40% of the females want to copy what they see.
More than 25% of the males and 15% of the females admitted to actually copying some of the things sexually they had seen in the pornography within a few days after the exposure.[iv]
This data strongly suggests the “modeling effect” or “imitative learning” effect that even non-violent pornography has on human behavior.