Matthew McConaughey Describes His Unique Approach to Prayer
By Movieguide® Staff
During the pandemic, award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey turned heads after calling out Hollywood peers for not standing up for their faith. The 40-year-old also had time to complete a compilation of his journal entries called “Greenlights,” which discusses his life journey and views on religion, prayer, and God.
“I’m a believer. I believe in God,” McConaughey confirmed in an interview with Relevant Magazine.
McConaughey also shared that he believes his faith journey requires a level of personal responsibility.
“God’s laying out the highways, but we each have our hand on the wheel,” he says. “I look at Earth. I look at the little dot that we are on the planet. The world’s turning. And we’re that little individual on the planet. That smallness can make you go, ‘Oh my gosh. I’m nothing. None of what I do matters,’” McConaughey said. “But, a place of humility is actually when you realize, ‘Oh, it allllll matters.’ There’s a great empowerment that comes with that.”
While spending time away from society to complete his book, McConaughey said his perspective on faith and forgiveness shifted.
“It ended up being the best time I’ve ever had in my life with myself,” McConaughey said. “All the things I thought I was going to be so embarrassed about, I ended up laughing at. All the things I thought would be so shameful about, I was like, ‘Oh, I forgive you for that.’”
McConaughey illustrated this struggle in a story from early in his Hollywood career.
According to Relevant Magazine, McConaughey visited a “remote community of Benedictine monks in New Mexico.” McConaughey spent four hours confessing his sins to a monk named Brother Christian.
“I confessed to him for four hours,” McConaughey said. “I’m feeling like I’m at the bottom of the earth. I’m bawling and snot’s coming out of my nose. What does he say? The only word he says to me after four hours of my confessions. He looks me in the eyes and he goes: ‘Me too.’”
McConaughey continued: “He let me know that I was not the center of the universe. He let me know it was a human condition, what I was going through. God’s not looking for us to come there perfectly. He’s not looking for us to come there all cleaned up and a halo on it. He wants to open the door when we’re groveling. He’s not going to judge us on that. God’s going to go, ‘Hey man, thanks. I’ll come with you through this. I’ll go with you through this. I’ve seen it all.’”
McConaughey also shared that he prays often.
“Prayer is inventory,” McConaughey noted. “I go to church once a week. I go, I pray and I do inventory. I take a deep breath, understand myself as me being number two in God’s house, and go back through my week.”
McConaughey added: “And then I come out of that church with whatever lesson the pastor shared and go, ‘Alright. Tomorrow’s Monday. Let’s see if we can put those into practice.’”