Pulse Survivors Leave LGBTQ Lifestyle to Take Up Their Cross and Follow Christ
By Allyson Vannatta, Senior Writer
They’re survivors of one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. On June 12, 2016, Angel Colon and Luis Javier Ruiz were injured in the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub. Now, their story is on the small screen.
MORE THAN A VICTIM: THE ANGEL COLON AND LUIS J RUIZ STORY has been streaming on Amazon Prime for almost a week now. Ruiz told Movieguide® that he and Angel Colon are “very happy with the positive responses.”
What’s remarkable about their miraculous survivals is that they also embraced eternal life, leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle for a relationship with Christ Jesus.
Ruiz said he and Colon have, “Seen a huge response of parents and pastors wanting to show it in the churches.”
Ruiz added that it’s been, “A huge joy in our hearts,” to share what Christ has done for them.
Ruiz is “thankful that Amazon shares the true value of equality,” and that, “Amazon Prime will go where other social media platforms are scared to go to.”
As the documentary picks up steam, the two survivors want Hollywood to accept their stories and not try to twist them.
They [Ruiz and Colon] hope, “Hollywood will not be like the media and spread lies about our stories and would open their hearts and give our stories a chance to be heard and shared with the truth.”
“We are so thankful that there are people out there that are ready to hear us out and tell our stories even if they disagree with their beliefs,” Ruiz explained.
Since that fateful night, the Lord has continued to work in Ruiz’s life.
But, “It has not all been beautiful flowers,” he said.
“We have learned how to pick up our cross and follow Jesus and because of it we have been hit with a lot of hate speech it sad to see that even some pastors have closed the doors in our face because of our message.”
Because of this, Ruiz and Colon founded Fearless Identity and are part of the Freedom March with other people who have left the LGBTQ lifestyle, including Jeffrey McCall, MJ Nixon, Edward Byrde, Kim Zember, and ChangedMVMT.
These groups “fearlessly” go into cities sharing their testimonies, preaching the Gospel and even baptizing individuals who want to give their life to Christ.
Ruiz says they “Strongly believe there is a great LGBTQ+ revival among us.”
He added that, “We are thankful for the pastors that are partnering with churches on how to understand and address the elephant in the room.”
Check back to Movieguide.org for the full review of MORE THAN A VICTIM.