
Ted Baehr Urges Americans and Charities To Protest Unconstitutional New Tax Increases on Big Donors

March 31, 2009: Los Angeles, Calif. – Family and child advocate Dr. Ted Baehr, founder of Good News Communications and the Christian Film & Television Commission®, two non-profit religious groups, urged every American and every charity leader today to protest a new federal law that would increase taxes on the biggest donors to America’s 1.5 million charities.

“This is an corrupt, unconstitutional law that must not stand!” declared Dr. Baehr, who has a law degree from New York University. “American charities depend on large donations from the middle class and the wealthy, the very people whom this new law targets.

Dr. Baehr said the law would affect all non-profit organizations, not just religious ones.

“President Barack Obama’s defense of this law at a press conference recently was terribly wrong, if not deceptive,” he added.

Dr. Baehr urged citizens to write their elected officials and demand that the new tax law be rescinded.

“What will happen to the federal government’s massive budget deficits if another massive hurricane strikes the United States, and organizations like the Red Cross will not be able to help as much as they did with Hurricane Katrina?” Dr. Baehr asked.

“This cruel, intolerant, bigoted law is an attack not just on American taxpayers and charities like the Red Cross. It’s also an attack on Christian and Jewish charities and non-profit groups.”

Baehr said one of his donors wrote to him complaining about the new law:

Dear Ted:

Enclosed is a check. . . .

Have you seen the proposed tax changes of the President? If allowed to become law, these changes, I understand, would mean that my contributions to Christian Film & Television Commission® would not be treated as deductions from my taxable income.

We may need [to go] beyond party lines to block [this] agenda. I do not want to see your group, Ted, nor many others like it, die at the hands of socialized wealth redistribution.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

Good News Communications, dba The Christian Film & Television Commission® and Movieguide®, is dedicated to protecting children and families by redeeming the values of the mass media according to biblical principles. It is a non-profit ministry registered with the IRS.

Please visit www.movieguide.org or call 1-800-899-6684 for more information.




For Immediate Release

Note:  To arrange an interview with Dr. Ted Baehr, please call Sandra Bell at (800) 883-3883.


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