
Movieguide® Faith & Values Awards Gala Picks Theme for 26th Annual Show

Movies and TV That Transform

Movieguide® Faith & Values Awards Gala Picks Theme for 26th Annual Show


Hollywood, Calif. – The Faith & Values Awards Gala has picked the theme for its 26th Annual Awards:  “Movies and TV that Transform.” The 26th Annual show will be held Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at the Universal Hilton Hotel in Universal City, Calif.

At the Gala, Dr. Ted Baehr, founder and publisher of Movieguide®:  The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment, will present highlights from Movieguide®’s 80-page 2018 Report to the Entertainment Industry showing what kinds of content moviegoers and television viewers prefer.

The Awards Gala features awards for the Ten Best Movies for Families, the Ten Best Movies for Mature Audiences, the Epiphany Prizes for Inspiring Movies & TV, the Grace Awards for the Most Inspiring Performances, the $30,000 Kairos Prizes for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays, and the Faith & Freedom Awards for promoting Positive American Values.

Author of “The Culture-Wise Family” and “How To Succeed in Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul),” Dr. Baehr is chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission® (CFTVC) and its family guide to movies and entertainment, Movieguide® (www.movieguide.org).

Now in their 32nd year, CFTVC and Movieguide® are the largest, longest-running international, non-profit ministry dedicated to “redeeming the values of the entertainment industry by influencing industry executives and by informing and equipping the public about the influence of the entertainment media.”

Movieguide®’s Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala honors the best, most family-friendly movies and television programs honoring God and inspiring audiences with messages of faith, hope, goodness, justice, redemption, forgiveness, and true divine love. At the Awards, Dr. Baehr presents highlights from Movieguide®’s Annual Report to the Entertainment Industry, a comprehensive financial analysis of the movie business showing what kinds of movies and what kinds of movie content moviegoers favor the most with their hard-earned money.

For more information about Movieguide® or CFTVC, visit www.movieguide.org or call (805) 383-2000.

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