
THE WINGFEATHER SAGA: Chapter 4: “Escape to Peet’s Castle”

"Uplifting Family, Christian Values"


What You Need To Know:

THE WINGFEATHER SAGA is an animated fantasy television series on Angel Studios, based on the books by Andrew Peterson. The fourth chapter, “Escape to Peet’s Castle,” begins when a tree dwelling man named Peet saves the Igiby children from a pack of wolves. When the children question Peet about the potential anti-Fang uprising, he orders them to return home. Later that day, the children’s grandfather reunites with them, and they start to head home. Meanwhile, the Fang army has decided to arrest the Igibys once and for all. Nia, the children’s mother, hears about the planed arrest and makes contingency plans. Will she be arrested? Can the children avoid capture?

Chapter 4 of THE WINGFEATHER SAGA is light on plot, but heavy on quality storytelling. This episode contains top-tier art direction and several positive Christian virtues. The Igiby family displays the values of sacrifice, bravery, fighting tyranny, hard work, and protecting one’s family. However, Chapter 4 of THE WINGFEATHER SAGA features moderate animated violence, dark forest creatures, and the literal backstabbing of a Fang soldier. So, MOVIEGUIDE® stresses caution for younger children.



Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong, ironclad moral worldview with very strong patriotic and political values stressing liberty and fighting tyranny and with strong Christian, redemptive values, the Igiby family exhibits the values of traditional marriage, hard work, sacrifice, and protecting one another against their reptilian overlords, a black-and-white moral system where the humans are the heroes, and the reptile soldiers are self-serving evildoers

Foul Language:
No foul language

Moderate cartoon, action violence and peril throughout, a reptilian soldier stabs a knife in the back of his comrade (the comrade audibly dies on screen), a reptilian commander almost chokes his soldier to death, a man shoots warning arrows at a spiny forest creature, a man violently shoves a tree dweller to the ground, and a man gets into a fist fight with reptilian officers

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
A man experiences a traumatic episode of his time in reptilian prison, but a child snaps him out of it.

More Detail:

THE WINGFEATHER SAGA is an animated fantasy television series on Angel Studios. The series is based on the Andrew Peterson book series by the same name.

Chapter 4 begins with the Igiby siblings hiding in a bunker at Ankle Jelly Manor. Just when vicious wolves corner the children, forest dweller Peet scares the animals off the property. Peet invites the children to his tree house. Peet is a good-hearted yet quirky forest dweller who stutters his words. He’s known as the town outcast but is acquainted with the Igiby family.

Back in Chapter Three, the Igiby siblings began their search for the “Florid Sword,” a legendary warrior who led the anti-Fang resistance. Janner, the eldest child, discovers a sword engraved with “Esben Igiby” on it. He later finds out it was wielded by his father. Janner started this expedition to find the resistance and free his friend from Fang jail.

Back in the forest, Janner Igiby and his two siblings explore Peet’s network of tree travel. Janner asks Peet if he knows about the “Florid Sword’” and the underground Fang resistance. Peet briefly spurts random gibberish and has a mental breakdown. Leeli Igiby calms him down. Peet explains he was one of the lucky few who escaped Fang prison. However, he’s too scared to divulge any more details.

Meanwhile, Nia Igiby frantically searches for her children. Podo, the grandfather, uses the family dog Nugget to track down a scent. He heads to the forest to find his grandchildren.

Later that day, Peet leads the Igiby siblings to the forest entrance. Podo finds the crew, but a spiky animal attacks him. Peet shoots arrows at the creature and forces it to flee. The children reunite with Podo, but Podo shoves Peet to the ground because of their past soured friendship. Podo orders Peet to leave while he can.

Meanwhile, Slarb, a treacherous low ranking Fang officer, plots his revenge for being publicly humiliated by the Igiby family. Slarb brings new evidence to his superiors that the Igibys are hiding powerful, magical treasure in their home. With his boss’s approval, Slarb plans a surprise raid at the Igiby household. If successful, Slarb can arrest the entire family.

Through her spies, Nia discovers Slarb’s raid that will occur that very night. Nia asks the town librarian for help. She learns that her children were investigating the anti-Fang resistance in the forest. Nia asks the librarian to join her contingency plan if she’s captured.

Will Slarb be able to arrest Nia? Can the children escape?

Chapter 4 of THE WINGFEATHER SAGA is light on plot, but heavy on quality storytelling. This episode contains top-tier art direction and several positive Christian virtues. The Igiby family displays the values of sacrifice, bravery, hard work, fighting tyranny, and protecting one’s family. However, Chapter 4 of THE WINGFEATHER SAGA features moderate violence, dark forest creatures and the literal backstabbing of a Fang soldier. So, MOVIEGUIDE® stresses caution for younger children.

Watch THE WINGFEATHER SAGA: Chapter 4: “Escape to Peet’s Castle”
Quality: - Content: +1
Watch THE WINGFEATHER SAGA: Chapter 4: “Escape to Peet’s Castle”
Quality: - Content: +1