Danny Gokey on God’s Grace: ‘Let Him Change You From the Inside Out’
By Movieguide® Contributor
Danny Gokey is emphasizing the importance of humility and honesty as we seek God’s grace.
“The Bible explains a way to get more grace, and it also explains how you can lose grace on your life. Now, what is grace?” he said in a recent Instagram video. “Grace is God’s ability working through you to do what you can’t do in your own strength. Let’s see what the Bible says about getting grace and losing grace.”
Gokey cited James 4:6:
But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
“Pride makes you have less grace. Humility draws grace from the Father God to you,” Gokey said. “How do we know if someone is prideful or someone has humility? Honesty is the key trait of someone who is humble.”
He continued, “The honest person doesn’t make excuses for his bad behavior. People lie to get this, they rebel because they don’t want to do this or that…but an honest person says, ‘I did this wrong because the problem is with me. Not with anyone else. I can’t blame people around me.’ But the Bible says that honest person, that humble person, gets more grace.”
Gokey then pointed to Philippians 2:13 — “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
“If you want more grace in your life, become an honest person. Don’t cover up your mistakes, but open them before the Father and let Him change you from the inside out,” Gokey concluded. “The worst part about being deceived is that you don’t even know you’re deceived, and you’re fulfilling the plan of the enemy, and that’s not going to be our story. We want to do God’s plan.”
Gokey frequently shares inspiring messages like this on social media. Movieguide® previously reported:
Danny Gokey explained how the Holy Spirit moves in us to shape our hearts towards the Gospel, allowing the desires of the flesh to fall away.
“The Bible says that we should no longer live as the Gentiles did – people who don’t know the Gospel. The word of God is a lamp unto my feet. It is a light unto my path. You don’t have to walk in darkness anymore,” Gokey said.
“Now, if you feel like you’re X, Y and Z, is it easy to go back and submit to what the [Bible] says? No, because you have to put your flesh down,” he continued. “But the minute you get that out of the way and you let the Christ in you rise up, you’ll notice that it’s not by your mind, not by your power, but it’s by the strength of the Holy Spirit working on the inside of you.”
Gokey is currently promoting his latest single, “I Got You.”
“It’s a reminder that when you’ve got God by your side, you can face whatever comes your way!” he said of the new song. “Even when your world is shaking, believing that He is with you & will bring you through. My prayer is that this song encourages you to stand firm in that & keep praising, no matter what!”