
DUCK DYNASTY Star Shares How to Build a Legacy

DUCK DYNASTY Star Shares How to Build a Legacy

 Movieguide® Contributor

DUCK DYNASTY’s Korie Robertson and Beth Redman, wife of Christian singer Matt Redman, got together to share how families can build a legacy.

“Many of like the legacy stuff I have learned from the families in my church,” Redman explained. “They never said a word to me. It was not a seminar. It wasn’t a, you know, a message that I heard at church. It was watching their lives and watching them in action during hospitality and things like that.”

Robertson shared, “I am blessed to have parents that love the Lord, and they raised me up in the Lord, and Willie did as well, but also like there’s other people that have spoken into my life that were part of that, were just a part of the church body that were other spiritual mamas to me, and I see that for our girls as well. So like I think it’s so important to really use that. Use the church as what it’s meant to be.”

“It’s meant to be family. It’s meant to be moms and daughters and sisters and aunts and uncles, and you know with our show, our show was about our family, and so you saw this family kind of around the dinner table, and so a lot of people will come to me and say things like, ‘Oh, you know, I wish I had that,’ and I…always try to tell people like that’s what the church is meant to be, and you can find that, and it’s not easy. You have to work for it. It’s not like it just happens…and it’s not perfect.”

She noted, with Redman’s agreement, that families and churches alike will never be perfect. She advises those who struggle to develop a family to look to the church.

“Try to find that. Go within your church and create a family if you don’t have that kind of like naturally in your environment. You can create that with friendships, with relationships with other older women in the church that can speak into your lives,” she said.

Redman said, “We’ve come from this [Christian] line, but also like it’s also a work in progress, and it will always be until we get to heaven and we’re like, ‘Finished.’ We are the like the final article. But I also do want to say, you know to anyone who maybe didn’t come from that legacy kind of type of family…look for the mercy in your story.”

She says there may only be one merciful thing, but you should hold onto that and apply it to your family’s legacy.

She told Robertson, “We were just naturally talking yesterday, you were speaking about Psalms 78, and I went to go and look at it, and I was like blown away how many times just in that Psalm it talks about from generation to generation, and that’s not like when we arrive in heaven. That’s the perfect thing. That’s like the model on Earth that we are destined and made to kind of model, and we will see it in churches is that generation to generation model and actually like 54 times in the Bible we see that phrase show up.”

She continued, “That means it’s important. Legacy is important and what do we mean by that? We mean like multi-generational families. It’s being like this baton that’s being passed down, and so maybe if you aren’t showing up with that, like, long line of like people coming before you, just…look for the mercy in your story, and it starts with you, and that’s not meant to be a burden, like Jesus is enough for it to start with you.”

The Robertsons made sure that part of their legacy reflects that everything is about God, not them. Whatever they do is not for self-glorification but for God.

Another part of their family legacy and tradition is praying around the dinner table and sharing conversation, which is depicted in their show, DUCK DYNASTY.

Movieguide® previously reported on the Robertsons:

DUCK DYNASTY stars Willie and Korie Roberston recently shared how Willie’s family came to faith and the importance of being vocal about the gospel no matter where their career takes them.

“I feel like we need more believers and Christians in the workforce,” Willie said. “Not that ministers are bad, [they are] awesome. But we need more Christian business people, we need more Christian people in entertainment, Christians out there with that mindset. And not just sitting there saying, ‘we believe in Jesus,’ but having that ministry mindset and bringing that to the table.”

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