
How Former Miss Universe Overcame Doubt by Faith

How Former Miss Universe Overcame Doubt by Faith

By Movieguide® Contributor

Demi-Leigh Tebow, former Miss Universe and wife of former NFL player Tim Tebow, is sharing how she finally learned to stop doubting God after a tragic loss.

Before she met Tim, she knew him not for his NFL career but as “the Night to Shine” guy.

“Night to Shine, which is sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, is a prom-type experience celebrating people with special needs who are ages 14 and older,” Church Leaders said. “The Tebows first met because Tim invited Demi-Leigh and her sister, Franje, to Night to Shine. Franje suffered from cerebellar agenesis, which is a rare condition where the brain forms without a cerebellum. She passed away in 2019 at the age of 13.”

“Franje’s life was so significant and so special,” said Demi on an episode of THE 700 CLUB. “That was a hard thing for me to accept. It was hard for me as a teenager, especially, to work through, you know, ‘Lord, why is this happening to my sister? Why can she not been healed?’”

She questioned God, and it “rattled” her belief in him.

“I had to realize, ‘Well, I’m going to continue having all of these questions for the rest of my life. I need to make a change.’ And instead of saying, ‘God, why?’ I am going to ask you, ‘Lord, where? Where are you in the situation? Show me,’” she explained.

“And we serve a kind, loving, generous, gracious father, and he is going to show us where he is when we seek him,” Demi said.

“I think a lot of people can relate to the fact that we root our worth, our value, in maybe something that didn’t last, something that was temporary,” she said.

Franje would have been 18 on Feb. 27. Demi took to Instagram to wish her a “heavenly birthday.”

She said, “We miss you so much but we know each day on earth is one day closer to meeting again in heaven one day. It was clear that Franje’s life had so much purpose, I trust that one day we will know the full extent of how God used her life for His greater good and glory. ‘For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.’ 1 Corinthians 13:12 ?

Demi and her husband dedicate their lives to helping those in need, including children with disabilities, unborn babies and victims of trafficking.

Movieguide® recently reported on her new book:

Tebow recently released a book titled “A Crown That Lasts,” which focuses on finding your identity in Christ, not your accomplishments.

“My prayer is that God uses my experiences, stories and lessons – including the ones I’ve learned the hard way – to help you claim your true identity, become more confident in God and live out your unique purpose too!” Tebow said of her book on Instagram.

She told THE 700 CLUB her book is all about identity being rooted in Christ, which is “bigger than ourselves.”

To celebrate the book, Tim wrote a heartfelt message about her and her work on Instagram on Aug. 13:

Demi, I am so proud of you!! You’ve carried yourself gracefully through this whole process, even when it may have felt daunting at times. You’ve done the hard work to unpack the highs and lows over these years in this book, and I’m so grateful to have a front row seat to watch you show up again and again every day.

Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your story that God is writing, and for pointing people to Jesus on every page of your book! I can’t wait to see the impact this message will have on so many. I pray anyone who reads it will discover their God-given purpose and know that you are not labeled by what people think of you but by who God calls you – a son or daughter of the King!!

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