
LES MISERABLES (2019): Episode 6

Season 1 Episode 6



(CC, BB, Ab, P, L, VV, AA, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
  Strong Christian, moral worldview with the depiction of a crucifix and a man praying, references made to sacrificial love, mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation, trust, honesty, selflessness, gratitude, and an emphasis placed on the father/daughter relationship, but mitigated by a mournful ending leading to an unsatisfying sense of hollowness rather than Christian hopefulness, as revolutionaries fight to the death to try to address the issues of injustice, class disparities, and abject poverty;

Foul Language:
 One “s” obscenity, one “h” obscenity, one light “p” obscenity, and two light profanities;

 Moderate violence with men shown fighting behind a barricade, many men are cut down by swords and bayonets, many men are shot, many bloody wounds are shown close up, piles of dead bodies are seen in the streets, and man carries another man through some sewers to freedom;

 No sexual content;

 No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
 Wine served several times and man gets drunk;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
 No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
 Stealing, lying/deception, suicide, some anger.  

Episodes: Season Overview

1.14/14/2019Episode 1-1
1.24/21/2019Episode 2 -1
1.34/28/2019Episode 3-1
1.45/5/2019Episode 4-2
1.55/12/2019Episode 5-1
1.65/19/2019Episode 6-2

More Detail:

In the sixth episode of LES MISERABLES, Valjean succeeds at finding Marius at the barricade. When Valjean discovers that Marius’ compatriots have caught Javert and are preparing to kill him, Valjean requests to be Javert’s executioner. Once they are left alone, however, Valjean refuses to take revenge on Javert and lets him go. When Marius is wounded and the fighting at the barricade takes a desperate turn, Valjean escapes into the sewers and carries an unconscious Marius to freedom. Javert, unable to reconcile his concept of justice and the mercy Valjean has shown him, takes his own life. Marius is reunited with Cosette and the two are married. When Valjean’s role as Marius’ rescuer is discovered by the young couple, they go to thank him, only to discover he’s deathly ill.

While the redemptive aspect of LES MISERABLES comes across in this final episode, Davies ends the series on a mournful, unsatisfying note. While Hugo’s novel ends somberly, it also imparts a sense of triumph, but this is missing in this adaption. The power of Valjean’s sacrifice is truncated due to a lack of Christian context, leading to a sense of hollowness rather than hopefulness. MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution, therefore, for the final episode of LES MISERABLES.

Watch LES MISERABLES (2019): Episode 6
Quality: - Content: -2
Watch LES MISERABLES (2019): Episode 6
Quality: - Content: -2