

"Justifying Hatred, Revenge, and Crime"

What You Need To Know:

DHOOM 3 opens in 1990 with a circus owner pleading with a banker for more time to succeed with a spectacular new show featuring his young son, Sahir. When the nasty banker turns him down and forecloses, he commits suicide in front of Sahir. Sahir vows revenge. Jump to the future. Sahir is a bank thief with a flair for showmanship and big chase scenes. Enter the famed Dhoom police team from Mumbai. Sahir manages to make fools of them as well, and they’re released from their official assignment as failures. However, they stay in town to solve the crime regardless.

DHOOM 3 is stupid, shallow, and repetitive. Worse, it urges viewers to hate greedy capitalist bankers with such a passion that they’re supposed to root for thieves to rob banks and destroy buildings. The movie implies the hero’s god has a purpose and destiny for him. However, robbery, hatred, revenge, and bitterness are not a purpose condoned by God. God commands forgiveness, which leads to an inner peace. The facial expressions of the thieves in DHOOM 3 are anything but peaceful.


(PaPa, C, ACapACapACap, APAPAP, LL, VV, S, N, MMM) Strong pagan worldview with great respect shown for some unnamed god who favors hatred and vengeance, with a brief redemptive message about forgiveness being better than revenge but the advice isn’t taken, and extreme anti-capitalist content where an American banker is presented as despicably greedy and heartless; eight light obscenities in the subtitles; strong violence includes long chase scenes with a lot of property destruction and violence; no actual sex but long sexually suggestive dance numbers and one male character frequently daydreams about having relationships with attractive girls he sees; frequent and glamorous upper male nudity and skimpy female outfits; and, very strong miscellaneous immorality includes shocking justification of crime as an acceptable response to greedy capitalists, anger, bitterness, revenge, suicide.

More Detail:

DHOOM 3 brings a splashy Bollywood production to Chicago to present American bankers as evil and thieves as heroic. The movie is almost three hours worth of action, music, dancing, comedy, and stupidity with some foul language and promotion of anger, bitterness, and revenge.

DHOOM 3 opens in 1990 with the owner of The Great Indian Circus pleading with a banker for more time to succeed with a spectacular new show featuring his young son, Sahir. When the ultra-nasty banker turns him down and forecloses, he commits suicide right in front of Sahir, who vows revenge.

Jump to the future. Sahir is a bank thief with a flair for showmanship and big chase scenes. Enter the famed Dhoom police team from Mumbai, Jai and Ali. Sahir manages to make fools of them as well, and they’re released from their official assignment as failures. Of course, they stay in town to solve the crime regardless.

DHOOM 3 is too shallow, stupid, and repetitive. There are several circus scenes that give the opportunity for the obligatory Bollywood dance numbers. The music for these numbers is mostly a single short Dhoom theme repeated 6,237 times. There are massive chase scenes where police cars in great numbers rise 20 feet in the air for no apparent reason and then crash. To help make it to three hours, the chase scenes have ample shots in spectacular slow motion. One thing Bollywood does very well is provide glamour shots. You couldn’t find more photogenic lighting sitting in a chair in a photo studio.

The other problem with DHOOM 3 is that the movie causes audiences to hate greedy capitalist bankers with such a passion that you wind up rooting for thieves to rob banks and destroy buildings. Many Americans have problems with bankers, but most are closer to George Bailey in IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE than Mr. Potter. The movie justifies the “heroic” thieves having bitter hatred. There is a scene where a Jai tries to encourage forgiveness over revenge, but the revenge is sought and the audience is led to enjoy it.

Sahir likes to quote throughout the movie a sort of statement of purpose given by his father at the beginning of the movie. It implies that God has a purpose and destiny for them. However, hatred, revenge, robbery, and suicide are not a purpose given by the God of the Bible.

The movie has some light obscenities and very sexually suggestive dancing but the primary reason for an abhorrent rating is the content manipulating viewers into opposing capitalism and favoring crime and revenge. Bitterness, hatred, and revenge are satanic. God commands forgiveness, which leads to an inner peace. The facial expressions of the thieves in this movie are anything but peaceful.

Hollywood makes America look bad enough without help from Bollywood.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +3