"Boring, Clichéd Demoniacs"

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What You Need To Know:
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 is not only boring; it’s also repetitious. Thus, the same kinds of things occur with the family in this movie as with the families in the previous movies. You also get virtually the same ending where the demonic forces in the story eventually overcome the protagonists. Horror fans should avoid the Hollywood hype and skip this repetitious, clichéd non-event of a movie. Media-wise viewers will find the demonic victory in PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 abhorrent and infuriating.
(OOO, B, FRFR, LLL, VV, S, A, M) Very strong demonic, occult worldview where evil demon-possessed people eventually overcome protagonists after a lot of boring mumbo jumbo, but demonic forces are truly considered evil by the movie, though far more powerful than they really are; 24 obscenities (including some “f” words), one strong profanity using Jesus and 10 light profanities; strong scary violence with no blood or gore includes possessed woman supernaturally slams sister against wall to kidnap her baby, woman falls from ceiling after being supernaturally flung about and dies, woman twists teenager’s neck to kill him, knife suddenly comes flying onto table almost hitting man’s head, demonic force purposely locks teenage girl in garage and starts car, but she eventually escapes by busting car window and slamming car through closed garage door, teenager suddenly drags girl to scare her, chandelier comes crashing down; no depicted sex but a couple sexual comments, at least one crude one by teenage boy; no nudity; alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, possessed woman abducts her sister’s child and disappears, husband and wife are somewhat estranged and teenage daughter is upset about that, boy trespasses neighbor’s yard and home, apparent deceit, parents don’t take daughter’s concerns about odd kid seriously and there appears to be a communication problem in the family.
More Detail:
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 is probably the most boring movie in this ill-conceived, demonic horror franchise. The excitement doesn’t really get going until the third act. Also, like all the previous movies, the evil demonic forces overcome the protagonists in much the same way.
The movie opens with the demon-possessed Katie character from the other movies abducting her sister’s baby and disappearing in 2006. Cut to another family five years later. The Nelsons have a 5-year-old boy, Wyatt, and a teenage girl, Alex; but, there’s a strange little kid, Robbie, across the street who suddenly starts showing up at the Nelsons’ residence at the oddest hours.
When Robbie’s mother has some kind of illness or accident, the Nelson charitably take Robbie into their home. Soon, paranormal activities start to occur, such as strange noises, a chair moving, a knife disappearing, etc. Also, Robbie gets up at strange hours in the night to wander the house, including visiting Alex’s room while she’s sleeping. At one point, Robbie draws a strange symbol on Wyatt’s arm. Alex and her boyfriend, Ben, investigate the symbol. They discover it’s a sign for a kind of demon that possesses little boys like Robbie and Wyatt.
Suddenly, in the third act, Robbie’s mom returns. She looks absolutely fit as a fiddle. Even worse, she happens to be Katie!
Unlike the first movie, the fourth PARANORMAL ACTIVITY has some of the most boring scenes of nothing much happening for long periods of time. Breaking up these scenes are brief spooky scares. For example, in one scene a kitchen knife suddenly disappears into the air. In another scene, Alex’s boyfriend suddenly drags Alex from behind without her or the viewer knowing what’s happening.
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 is not only boring; it’s also repetitious. Thus, as in the previous movies, there are the same scenes of strange things happening in a suburban family’s home. Also, you get the same ending where the demonic forces in the story eventually overcome the protagonist’s. In this case, it’s first Alex’s mother, then her boyfriend, then her father, and finally Alex herself. The movie suggests that a fifth movie might show what happens to Wyatt.
Modern fans of horror movies have become far too easy to please these days. That’s why you get sloppy, boring, trite horror movies like PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4. Worse, with the advent of larger and larger secular, pagan segments of society that are more and more bigoted against anything smacking of Christianity or positive values, more and more horror movies show evil victorious in one way or another. In that light, it’s interesting and significant to note that, even with today’s dark paganism, the biggest cheer from the audience at the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 screening was when the heroine is able to escape from a deadly trap set by Katie. Sadly, her escape is only momentary.
Horror fans should avoid the Hollywood hype and skip this repetitious, clichéd non-event of a movie. Media-wise viewers will find the demonic victory in PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 abhorrent and infuriating.