

What You Need To Know:

THE AMAZING TARSIER: EVOLVED OR CREATED? is part of a series of short nature and scientific videos produced in the Philippines. Each one of the series considers an unique aspect of nature or the universe that eventually demands the conclusion that life and the universe were intelligently designed. This particular DVD concerns a very rare and unique animal. Its eyes are too big and don’t move, but its neck swivels 180 degrees. It has leaping legs, a strange tail, and so many unique characteristics that you’d have to be a mental contortionist to think it evolved. The animal is a unique and intelligently designed being that functions perfectly within its own habitat.

Once upon a time, science had a principle known as Occam’s Razor. This time-proven scientific perspective said that, whenever you’re offered several different possible conclusions, always choose the simplest. THE AMAZING TARSIER is a very well produced movie. It helps the audience come to the most logical conclusion that we are designed by a Creator. Director/Producer Mark Yerkes should be commended.


(CCC, BBB) Very strong Christian, creationist, moral worldview discussing a very unique animal; and, nothing objectionable.

More Detail:

THE AMAZING TARSIER: EVOLVED OR CREATED? is part of a series of short nature and scientific videos produced in the Philippines. Each one of the series considers a unique aspect of nature or the universe that eventually demands the conclusion that life and the universe were intelligently designed.

This particular DVD concerns a very rare and unique animal. Its eyes are too big and don’t move, but its neck swivels 180 degrees. It has leaping legs, a strange tail, and so many unique characteristics that you’d have to be a mental contortionist to think it evolved. The animal is an unique and intelligently designed creature that functions perfectly within its own habitat.

Once upon a time, science had a principle known as Occam’s Razor. This time-proven scientific perspective said that, whenever you’re offered several different possible conclusions, always choose the simplest. The simplest is clear: God designed the Tarsier.

THE AMAZING TARSIER is a very well produced movie that helps the audience come to the most logical conclusion in real science that we are designed by a Creator. Producer/Director Mark Yerkes should be commended.

Quality: - Content: +3
Quality: - Content: +2