
Jenny Marrs Shares Prayers for New Book

Jenny Marrs Shares Prayers for New Book

By Movieguide® Contributor

Co-Host of the hit HGTV show FIXER TO FABULOUS, Jenny Marrs, announced that her new book ‘House + Love = Home’ plans to debut in stores in November.  

Marrs posted on her Instagram her book cover and wrote, “After my House + Love = Home manuscript was turned in and I had finished all of my edits, I was told my book was headed off to the printer. I celebrated and my breath caught in my throat as I wrapped my mind around the fact that I really did it: I wrote a book.” 

“My book is currently in the process of being printed and will be on shelves this November,” she added. “That sentence still startles me to type. It’s absolutely surreal. Since before I typed the first word, I have prayed that this book does some good out there in this great, big world. I pray it shines a little light into the darkness. I pray it inspires someone to create a home full of intention. I pray it gives someone permission to stop looking around at what everyone else is doing and start loving well within their four walls.”  

Walmart then asked Jenny Marrs to provide signed copies of her book so Walmart could sell them on their shelves come November.  

“When Walmart asked me to sign exclusive copies for their shelves (and virtual shelves), I was more than happy to spend many, many hours signing these pages. As I signed, I prayed for whomever will hold that particular copy in their hands. I prayed that my little book would bring joy into their lives and for God to bless the home this book was being brought into. It was a great honor to sign and pray over these pages,” Marrs concluded.  

Movieguide® recently reported on Marrs new book:  

“When I was in fourth grade, I wrote a book for class titled ‘Run Away Horse.’ It went on to be entered in the young author’s conference and I received a button that said ‘I’m An Author,’ which I fastened to my backpack and proudly toted around school. After receiving the button, I declared: this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be an author,” she recalled in a recent Instagram post. 

“Which leads me here: in absolute awe that God opened the doors and led me on a windy, often unexpected, path to this exact moment. A moment He planted in my heart of hearts all those years ago,” she added. “I’m humbled, overjoyed and nervous to share the big news that I’ve written a book!” 

Starting Nov. 14, fans of the show can purchase the book, which Marrs said is not your standard “how-to” renovation book. 

“I didn’t want to write a standard how-to guide for decorating or renovating your home,” she explained. “There are enough beautiful and well-written books on the subject out there already. And, honestly, I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all guide that accounts for personal style and preference. Instead, I wanted to write a book to encourage you to be creative with your home.” 

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