
The Oscars Have Become a Mediocre Awards Show for the Best Anti-Human Propaganda


Oscar’s Sour New Face:

The Oscars Have Become a Mediocre Awards Show for the Best Anti-Human Propaganda

By Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor

My hatred of the Oscar Awards goes back decades, when the awards seemed to go off the rails in the late 1970s (giving the Best Picture to MIDNIGHT COWBOY in 1969 was also a low point). The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences seldom seems to pick the best, most entertaining or most worthy examples of cinematic art. In recent years, the problem has gotten even worse.

Sunday’s 90th Annual Oscar Ceremony just may be the worst Oscars yet. TV viewers seem to agree. The 90th Annual was rated the least-watched Oscar Awards ever, suffering a 19 percent decrease from last year to garner only 26.5 million viewers.

So, what’s the underlying problem?

The problem causing the low viewership in recent years is that, instead of honoring the best, most entertaining or most worthy movies, acting and craftsmanship, the members of the Academy are nominating and awarding the best antagonistic, anti-human propaganda promoting radical identity politics and weird abuse, especially in the major categories like Best Picture, Best Acting, Best Directing, and Best Writing.

For example, notice how the movie DUNKIRK, an excellent, patriotic piece of cinematic craftsmanship with no ax to grind, won three major technical awards for craftsmanship but won none of the major awards.

So, what did win the major awards?

A bestiality movie attacking traditional American values and promoting abuse. A movie about a 24-year-old graduate intern abusively seducing a 17-year-old boy who himself is fornicating with a teenage girl his own age. A movie from Chile about a man, who’s undergone one of those mythical “sex change” operations and who becomes a better woman than any other woman, including the ex-wife of his dead lover. A horror movie about an old white man and his white friends trying to put his brain inside the body of a young black man. A story about a rape and murder that occurred in a small Missouri town where a bunch of small-minded people live. A movie about an Olympic ice skater with a terrible mother and even more terrible friends who decide to break the leg of her closest competitor.

Only one bright spot appeared in all this mess: the victory of Gary Oldman for his masterful performance as one of the great heroes of the 20th Century, Sir Winston Churchill.

Tellingly, after the telecast, several people on Twitter remarked how apropos it was when Host Jimmy Kimmel, an alleged comedian, said that Hollywood doesn’t make movies like the pederasty movie with the 17-year-old kid to make money. They make movies like that to annoy Vice President Mike Pence, who represents to them the majority of people in America who want good faith and loving values that manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control.

In other words, Hollywood makes movies like THE SHAPE OF WATER and CALL ME BY YOUR NAME just to annoy Christians, who believe in Jesus Christ and believe in the Bible.

According to Gallup, at least 30% of American adults identify themselves as social conservatives. That’s more than 74.3 million people, or $661.66 million per month at the box office if each of those people bought one movie ticket a month!

No wonder this year’s Oscar ratings decreased 19%, going from 32.9 million viewers to 26.5 million viewers! And, no wonder CALL ME BY YOUR NAME earned only $16.9 million at the box office.

If the Oscars want to attract more viewers and become more relevant, they might want to start rewarding more family-friendly and more entertaining movies for broad audiences with faith and values that honor America and its people.

Leave the radical identity politics at home. Stop mocking the people in Middle America and the leaders they cherish. And, if you must make political jokes, how about giving some equal time to the other side?