Season 1 Episode 4
(CCC, BBB, VV, N) Very strong Christian, biblical worldview; no foul language; some violence when Pilate crucifies 10 people a day and the Holy Spirit kills lying couple, Pilate forces Caiaphas to eat the ashes of a dead centurion, and torture; no sex; upper male nudity as people are crucified; no alcohol; no smoking or drug use; and, nothing else objectionable.
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Episode 4 of A.D. THE BIBLE CONTINUES is one of the best-structured episodes of the series. Pilate uses brutal methods to find the assassin who killed one of his favorite centurions. He tells Caiaphas he will crucify 10 Jews a day until he finds the assassin. Meanwhile, Caiaphas is trying to convince everyone that Peter didn’t heal the cripple at the gate of the temple. He brings Peter and John before the Sanhedrin to challenge the miracle, but his attempt to destroy their preaching and teaching doesn’t go as he had planned.
Episode 4 has a strong plotline. The only cautionary element is some of the bloody violence in the episode, including the death of Ananias and Sapphira, and a crucified Jew having part of his leg eaten away. The Name of Jesus is not only lifted up in Episode 4 but also the lame walk, and the dead are resurrected in the Name of Jesus. Finally, the Holy Spirit is a very real and powerful person in this episode. Episode 4 is a powerful testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.