"Ever Have One of Them Days???"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
ONE OF THEM DAYS is mixed. The story is excellently written and performed. It also has such raw and real emotions and problems that are very relatable. There’s even a good message about self-respect and relying on your community. However, ONE OF THEM DAYS has lots of strong, gratuitous foul language, some sexual immorality, false religion and brief nudity. Finally, ONE OF THEM DAYS seems to promote violence, drugs and theft without a second thought. It’s a funny movie, but it has excessive problems overall.
More Detail:
If you have ever experienced a day where nothing goes right, and it just seems to get progressively worse, and nothing you do seems to go the way you want, you may be able to understand the emotions occurring in ONE OF THEM DAYS. If there was another movie that could be properly comparable to this new raunchy comedy, it’s very similar to the movie DUDE, WHERE’S MY CAR? While the movie is funny and well made, it’s not a movie for discerning adults.
The movie follows a young waitress in Los Angeles named Dreux Jones. Dreux is a young ambitious, driven young woman who lives in a neighborhood called the Jungle, which sadly isn’t a great neighborhood. Dreux lives with her best friend, Alyssa, who is the same age as her. Alyssa is a talented artist, with a creative free spirit and a bit of a lustful side.
The two find themselves at the beginning of the month when it’s time to pay rent. However, they have a problem. Alyssa’s “boytoy,” Keshawn, took the money and spent it on a lot of shoes as a business venture. This leaves Dreux and Alyssa needing to get the rent by 6 pm. On top of that. that Dreux has an interview at 4 pm to be a restaurant franchise owner. So, the two friends now need to somehow come up with rent and make it to Dreux’s interview all during that day.
This leads the two to try a variety of hijinks and solutions. During this time, they manage to anger the local hottie baddie, Bernice, who ends up chasing them around town, for Alyssa trying to steal her man, when in reality Keshawn is just a cheater. The two friends eventually try everything from trying to get a quick loan, which they don’t have the sufficient credit score, to donating blood, which goes terribly wrong. They do end up finding a pair of Jordans, the shoes that they manage to sell for their rent money. However, the shoes originally belonged to local gangster kingpin Lalo, who also ends up chasing them and threatening their lives.
The two girls aren’t alone however through their misadventures. Along the way, they make and contact old friends who end up helping them. This includes Mama Ruth, the local neighborhood nanny who has snacks for cheap, the local but goodhearted coot Lucky who saves them frequently, Bethany a local content creator, and Maniac, who despite his name is a very sweet and caring man, and on whom Dreux has a crush. Each of these allies assist the girls in one way or another to the point where not only are they able to make rent but are able to make their lives better. Dreux manages to realize that her self-worth goes beyond a credit score and what others think of her. Meanwhile, Alyssa learns to have some self-respect and compassion for her community.
The quality of ONE OF THEM DAYS is very good. It is such a raw and unique but relatable story about struggling through modern day troubles, including poverty, debt and self-worth. The acting and stunts are incredible, with each character having a powerful, often hilarious onscreen presence.
That said, ONE OF THEM DAYS has many concerning elements, all of which seem to stem from the movie’s Romantic worldview. The characters usually rely on their own feelings rather than what’s right and wrong. The characters are active and engaging but many times are portrayed as very stereotypical. The movie also has some false religion. For example, Alyssa believes in the universe rather than God. She also hangs crystals in her car and talks about praying to her ancestors. Also, there’s a reference to karma. However, the character of Lucky tries to be a good evangelist for Christianity, but he’s often used for comic relief.
ONE OF THEM DAYS also has an overwhelming amount of negative elements including foul language, nudity, violence, drug references, and violence. For example, the movie has at least 150 obscenities and several strong profanities. There are moments where characters both male and female will walk around their home in their underwear and certain parts of their anatomy are played for laughs and used to entice some lustful responses from the audience. The violence includes some gun violence, catfights and dangerous stunts.