NFL Star Explains Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail — And How to Keep Yours
By Movieguide® Contributor
Tim Tebow explained why most New Year’s Resolutions fail and how people can set goals that they keep, rather than losing motivation and giving up.
“Ninety percent of us that have New Year’s Resolutions quit within a month. Why? Because we don’t care about the goal? No. I think most of us probably cared about that goal. Why? Because we don’t want to see it through? No. Most of us want to see it through. It’s because at one point or another we were excited, we set the goal, we set the dream, we were motivated to do something about it, we were encouraged to do something about it, until we no longer felt like it,” Tebow said.
“So whether it was that diet, or whether it was that training plan, or whether it was reading a book, or the Bible, or something else that you wanted to follow [for] that New Year’s Resolution. Until you no longer felt like it,” he continued. “It could be excitement, or motivation, or hype, but it’s not passion.”
“Passion actually comes from a 12th-century Latin word meaning to suffer, and it comes from the Passion of the Christ — that He cared so much for humanity He was willing to suffer for it,” Tebow added. “So when you say you’re passionate about something what you’re saying is I will do it anyways even if I know I’m going to suffer. There’s a difference. That’s not excitement, that’s not motivation, that’s not hype — that’s passion.”
Tebow has long been passionate about passion, encouraging others to reflect on what they are passionate about and encouraging them to find purpose in their passion. He believes that our passions should point back to Christ and that we were given unique interests that we can use to serve the kingdom.
He even offers four questions to ask yourself to discover your passion:
1. What do you enjoy doing? What do you look forward to doing that fires you up and builds within you an unshakeable enthusiasm? Volunteering at a local animal shelter? Helping people? Spending time with the elderly? Working on a committee to target problems in your community and figuring out solutions to fix them?
2. Who do you want to help the most? This question ties into the one above and narrows your focus. Is your heart moved with compassion towards those with learning disabilities? Do you champion the cause of the under privileged in this country or abroad? Who makes your heart bleed or cry or melt or tremble?
3. What problem do you want to help solve? Do you care about people having clean water? Would you prefer working with inmates and tackling prison reform? Are you drawn to providing nutrition to children who live in food insecure homes? What value do you offer?
4. Are there any themes in what you read, listen to, talk about, research? Think about all you do in a day, the shows you watch, the podcasts you enjoy, your Googling habits. Are there any recurring concepts?
Tebow discovered his passion when he was 15 during a mission trip to the Philippines. There, he met a young boy who was born with his feet backward and was an outcast.
“God opened my eyes and touched my heart, and I believe on that day, God gave me a micro-mission to fight for every little boy and girl around the world like him, to fight for every single person that the world has looked past, to fight for every single person that other people say, ‘They don’t matter.’ Because to God, everyone matters,” Tebow said.