CHARLOTTES’ WEB is a live action movie of the beloved children’s novel, about a young farm girl named Fern, a small pig named Wilbur, and a spider named Charlotte. CHARLOTTE’S WEB is a radiant delight for children of all ages, a brilliantly plotted movie filled with positive moral messages and signs of God’s grace penetrating ordinary life…
42 tells what happens when the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team signed the first black player in the Major Leagues, Jackie Robinson, in 1947. 42 is an inspirational, superb movie showing how the Christian faith of both Dodgers General Manager Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson helped end racism in professional baseball. However, there is a fair amount of foul language and some racial epithets, so caution is advised, especially for children…
THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS, starring Will Smith and his real-life son, is based on the true life and struggles of Chris Gardner as he attempts to create a better life for himself and his young son. One of the most inspirational movies of the year, the movie puts forth a strong message about a parent’s commitment to their child and that with hard work and a belief in one’s self, great things can be accomplished…
9 is a visually striking, exciting animated science fiction fable about a group of small, animated cloth creatures battling a large metal monster that lacks a soul. 9 is a thrilling story of courage, sacrifice and redemption with a Christian worldview and a couple overt references to Jesus, but the action violence is intense and includes scary metal machines that may frighten young children…
THE CASE FOR CHRIST is the inside story of how Chicago Tribune journalist Lee Strobel set out to disprove Christianity when his wife, Leslie, became a Christian and challenged Lee’s atheist beliefs. THE CASE FOR CHRIST is a terrific drama reminiscent of ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN, with its own examples of excellent acting. It also brilliantly lays out the facts confirming Jesus Christ’s resurrection, but does contain some tense moments and alcohol use requiring caution for younger children…
THE BOSS BABY is a delightful, funny animated comedy. Seven-year-old Tim has a perfect life until he gets a baby brother and together they must stop a powerful, nefarious organization trying to replace cuddly babies with cuddly puppies. BOSS BABY is a hilarious, ultimately heartwarming movie with a strong Christian, moral worldview that’s pro-life, pro-family and pro-business…