
Chynna Phillips, Billy Baldwin Revisit Where ‘Miracle’ Happened 33 Years Ago

Chynna Phillips, Billy Baldwin Revisit Where ‘Miracle’ Happened 33 Years Ago

By Movieguide® Contributor

This summer, actor Billy Baldwin and his wife Chynna Phillips revisited one of their first dates — roller skating in Santa Monica and throwing Frisbees at Will Rogers State Park — a special place where they experienced a small “miracle.”

Baldwin recalled their date in 1991, saying, “Chynna goes, ‘Oh my g—h, I lost the earring, and she’s getting very upset. It was a very meaningful gift to her because it was the very first gift that I got her, and she’s getting upset. I don’t know why I said this, but I said, ‘Don’t worry, honey, we’ll find this.’”

“I mean we were two miles up and down the bike path [at Santa Monica]. There’s sand on either side. We’re going up and down, and then finally I go, ‘Oh, I know where we lost it. I know where we lost it.’ We lost it when we were [rolling down the hill] at the polo field back at Will Rogers,” Baldwin said in a video blog Phillips recorded at their visit to the Will Rogers Park this summer.

So they headed back to where they first started their date. They located it roughly where they were earlier, but the polo field was gigantic.

“We’re looking and we’re looking and we’re looking. We can’t find it, and then we go up into the hiking trail. We walk the hiking trail,” he said. “We’re like this is so stupid. This is desperate.”

“We’re never going to find it up here and we say let’s go back down to the polo field where we were throwing the frisbee. I’m thinking in my mind like this is ridiculous. I’m just going along with this, but you were upset,” Baldwin turned to Chynna.

Because the gift was special, they kept up the search.

“We were throwing [the Frisbee] far…You were like 40, 50 feet away,” he told Chynna. “…It was getting dark, and I just looked at her like, ‘Chy, Sweetie, it’s getting dark. I can’t see anymore.’ And she just looked at me all dejected, and we walked across the polo field and we meet in the middle of the field. Not where I was standing. Not where she was standing.”

“The frisbee was flying over the area. It never should have been there. And we hugged, and we just totally were dejected, and she was pouting, and I…look down…and I saw something in the grass…and I’m like Chynna, ‘Oh my,’” Baldwin recalled.

And there in the grass, in a place where it seemed unlikely that it would have fallen, was the lost earring. They were amazed.

“We both just…gasped,” he said. “We couldn’t believe [it.]”

“I knew in that moment that you were my husband, baby,” Phillips said as she kissed Baldwin. “I knew you were my husband.”

After they told their story, Chynna lifted up her hand to show a stone missing from her ring, a funny coincidence. This time, they didn’t have to search the whole polo field to find it. It had fallen right next to her on the ground.

Movieguide® previously reported on Phillips:

Singer and actress Chynna Phillips opened up about her successful YouTube channel “California Preachin’” and how she spreads the message of hope and salvation to her viewers. 

In a recent video, Phillips shared: “When we come to Christ, we are not sinless…of course, we are still sinners but we sin less. My fleshy self wants to refuse, reject, and rebel. I want to be my own king, master, and lord. I don’t want anyone telling me what to do. That’s just not what Christ calls us to do. Once we give our lives to Jesus, we have a new employer… we’ve got a Boss. We have to run everything past the Boss.”

Later in her vlog with Baldwin, Phillips talked about God’s power of forgiveness.

“You know I was thinking about this and I think it’s pretty wild actually,” she said. “Think about this. When Jesus died on the cross he made the unforgivable forgivable. Literally every sin, even the most horrendous sin that you could think of, is forgivable if you’re a Christian.”

“And that’s not giving you license,” she continued. “It’s not condoning sin. It’s not saying go out and sin ‘cause you’re forgiven and it’s just a wild truth that once you become a Christian, you are forgiven.”

Just because sin is forgiven, it doesn’t offer a “free pass” to sin. That in itself would be a sin.

“If it’s not true that all sin is forgiven under the blood of Christ, then it kind of makes the whole thing null and void. The whole gospel. So yeah, all sin is forgiven with one drop of the blood of Christ. His precious holy blood.”

“You got Jesus Christ fighting on your team, then you have the only player that matters,” she said. “And if God is for you who can be against you?”

On Phillip’s YouTube channel, “California Preachin,’” Phillips weaves in topics about the Bible and her relationship with Christ with her daily life. She often features Baldwin in her videos, and they recently opened up on the topic of trauma and how it affects their marriage.

In the video, Baldwin explains that the trauma Phillips experienced as daughter to Michelle and John Phillips of The Mamas and Papas rock group, and exposure to other rock stars and their world, comes back when she speaks to Baldwin. Then, not only is Phillips the victim of trauma, but he is too.

“So that trauma comes back to haunt me,” Baldwin said.

When it comes to her past trauma and relationships, Phillips looks to God for guidance.

“Sometimes it’s really healthy to just say I need some emotional distance right now to be able to get a timeout and to be able to break apart the puzzle and put it back together again so I can see it with fresh eyes,” she said last month.

“I’m listening to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is telling me that it’s important that I take a pause, so that’s what I’m doing.”

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