
There’s Hope for Revival in America. This Actor Explains Why.

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There’s Hope for Revival in America. This Actor Explains Why.

By Movieguide® Contributor

During a recent stop on his “See You at the Library” book tour, actor Kirk Cameron encouraged Christians to fight for a great faith revival in our country, even as America slips further into moral decline.

“I want to communicate to people that now is the time to lean into your faith, to your courage, to your family and regain a vision of victory, not only a pie in the sky ‘let’s just get to heaven’ victory but a steak on the plate cultural victory in our lifetime,” Cameron said. “Many of us look around at our country and we have this sinking feeling that something is very, very wrong with the values that our kids are learning.”

“As a grandfather and as a father of six children, I care a lot about what we do in our generation because it will determine so much of what our children live with, the world that they’ll grow up in,” he added.

“I want to… write books and talk to people for as long as I can about turning their hearts toward God, turning their heart back toward their home, raising their children, not outsourcing their parenting to government institutions that have lesser goals and motives for those children than their own parents do,” Cameron continued.

The actor encouraged parents that great revivals across America have come about in the past, and they tend to happen when the country is facing a decline in its morality. However, it takes a bold stand from many to fight for their faith values and persevere in the face of adversity to help those struggling to find real truth.

“We’ve had great awakenings in the past,” Cameron said. “We have had people who have suddenly had their eyes opened by what was going on and they turned.”

Movieguide® previously reported:

Kirk Cameron is sharing his vision for a great awakening and what we can do to “bring heaven to earth.”

“Revival is my hope for the future of my children and my grandchildren,” he said in a recent YouTube video. “I think that we’ve gone so far off the rails as a country, morally and spiritually and politically and economically, that if we don’t course-correct immediately, we are in serious trouble.”

Cameron continued, “I really do believe that we are teed up for another great awakening. Great awakenings historically have come during times of moral decline, spiritual apathy, political corruption and economic collapse,” joking, “I think we’re there, don’t you?”

“[God] is orchestrating circumstances such that we will come to ourselves and turn back to the one who’s been so good to us,” he said.

Cameron is doing his part by encouraging parents to stand their ground and raise their children in truth. He is also reaching the younger generation through the three books he has written as well as by partnering with schools to offer a new book fair that sells uplifting, kid-friendly books, rather than books that push an immoral agenda.

“We all grew up with Scholastic, everyone, as the publisher of these great books, and ‘Clifford the Big Red Dog’ and ‘Stuart Little’ and ‘James and the Giant Peach’ and all the fun little crossword puzzles,” he said. “Well, their book fairs are now filled with the kind of progressive, socialist Marxist material that is undermining God, family and country.”

“You can replace these harmful Scholastic book fairs with helpful, wholesome book fairs with 500 books that have been vetted and screened to take out all the nasty pornography and the critical race theory and the race stuff and they’re about wholesome good values,” Cameron added. “We already have over a thousand schools, public and private that are replacing Scholastic book fairs.”

He recently held his second annual See You at the Library event. This year’s 360 gatherings at libraries across the country drew tens of thousands, according to the Washington Times, but unfortunately, Guinness World Records snubbed the event.

“Guinness didn’t show up, but we had the world’s largest story hour [Saturday], See You at the Library,” Cameron said.