"Economic Liberty for All"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
The script, dialogue and voice work in SILVER CIRCLES is good. However, the low-budget animation sometimes gets in the way. SILVER CIRCLE has a strong moral, pro-capitalist, anti-statist worldview, with one or two positive references to God. The worldview takes a very strong stance against the Federal Reserve System. As a political thriller, SILVER CIRCLE provides some necessary food for thought for citizens concerned about the current chaotic financial situation. Spoiling the movie’s positive, liberty-minded worldview is some foul language, violence and sensuality. Therefore, MOVIEGUIDE® advises some caution for SILVER CIRCLE.
(BB, CapCap, ACAC, C, FR, LL, VV, S, M) Strong moral, free market, anti-statist libertarian/conservative worldview about the dangers of the Federal Reserve and a Central Bank, with one or two positive references to God, and there’s a figure of the Virgin Mary in a car but a villain treats it like a fetish of some kind by rubbing it lightly for luck two or three times, which may or may not be an Anti-Catholic point; 14 obscenities (including some “h” qwords, some “d” words, a couple “ah” words, a few a** words, and one possible “f” word) and two light profanities (such as MY G); some strong action violence includes people shot, people shot to death in cold blood by bad guys, car chase, car explodes due to bomb, arson; no sex scenes but some kissing and some indications of wanting to fornicate; no nudity; alcohol use; smoking; and, arson, fraud, corruption, and rebels end of framing the bad guy.
More Detail:
SILVER CIRCLE is an interesting, provocative animated political thriller. It’s set in the near future when the Federal Reserve has taken over the whole federal government after another massive financial crisis. The low-budget animation gets in the way of enjoying the movie, but the voice work is particularly good. There is some strong foul language, violence and some moments for mature viewers, however, so some caution is warranted.
The movie opens in 2019 with some unknown person torching several homes in an abandoned housing development taken over by the Federal Reserve. It’s a time of hyper-inflation (a glass of beer costs $90 or more and a gallon of gas costs $150 or more) and increased government tyranny. To bring stability to America, the Federal Reserve has been given special powers to seize people’s property. Worse, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Victor Brandt, has secret plans to seize even more power.
Federal Reserve arson investigator, Jay Nelson, has been charged with investigating the suspicious arson. His investigation leads him to a mysterious woman named Zoe Taylor. Zoe believes the Fed chairman had her brother murdered to keep some uncomfortable facts quiet. Meanwhile, the chairman has sent a couple killers to keep an eye on Jay and Zoe.
Eventually, Jay discovers that Zoe is part of a group of rebels who mint their own silver coins, called silver circles. As Jay finds out more facts about the Fed chairman’s nefarious schemes, he must decide whose side he takes.
The script and dialogue in SILVER CIRCLES is fairly good. It even elicited some chuckles and gasps from the audience at the screening MOVIEGUIDE® attended. An excellent job by the voice cast helps. However, the inexpensive, simple computer animation, especially some of the awkward movements of the characters, sometimes gets in the way of the viewer’s enjoyment and suspension of disbelief.
Morally, spiritually and politically, SILVER CIRCLE has a strong moral, pro-capitalist, and anti-statist worldview with one or two positive references to God. There’s also a figure of a Virgin Mary in a car. The worldview takes a very strong stance against the Federal Reserve System in the United States, which is a kind of Central Bank invented by politicians and financial interests in the 20th Century. The Federal Reserve is in bed with the federal government. Working together, these two entities have created a system of chronic inflation and high taxation that puts money into the pockets of overpaid bankers, politicians and bureaucrats who reap the benefits of an ever-increasing big government leviathan. The system is bound to come crashing down at some point, and the movie envisions just such a crisis, with significant hyper-inflation and a Federal Reserve that’s had to take over the housing market and Wall Street. As a political thriller, SILVER CIRCLE provides some necessary food for thought for thinking citizens concerned about the chaotic financial system created by the proponents of big government control.
Spoiling the movie’s positive, liberty-minded worldview is some foul language and some hints of possible fornication. Also, to take down the murderous head villain, the good guys, essentially, have to frame him for a crime he doesn’t really commit. Therefore, MOVIEGUIDE® advises some caution for SILVER CIRCLE.