Christian BACHELOR Matt James Leads Contestants in Group Prayer
By Movieguide® Staff
The new BACHELOR star, Christian Matt James, turned to prayer the night he met with the ladies vying for his heart.
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing us all together healthy. Give these women the courage to get through these next few months,” James prayed with the group. “You say that you work all things for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose, Father God. And I feel like that’s why I’m here and I feel like that’s why these women are here, Lord.”
He explained the moment to Entertainment Tonight.
“First and foremost, I was extremely nervous. I was shaking walking up there. I wanted Chris to walk me inside and he left me. So, I’m just walking in there and whenever I’m feeling that type of way or anxious I’m just like, ‘Man, let me pray about this.’ And that’s what I did.”
He continued: “It put me at ease, and I’m hoping that the women saw that. I just wanted them to see where I go to in my times of anguish and when I’m stressed out, so that’s what that was.”
James elaborated to Refinery 29.
“It wasn’t difficult. Because that’s something that’s extremely important to me. But, I’ll say this: My brother and I have very different religious views — and I would die for him. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my brother. That goes to say, just because I don’t share the same religious view as somebody doesn’t mean I see them as any less of a person I could be compatible with. But I think it’s important that they know where my peace comes from and where my decision making is rooted in,” James said.
James is quite vocal about his faith and identifies himself as a believer in his Instagram bio. Movieguide® hopes James continues to share his Christian witness throughout this season.
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