Christian LAST MAN STANDING Actor Jet Jurgensmeyer Believes in the Power of Prayer
By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor
LAST MAN STANDING’s little man Jet Jurgensmeyer, aka Boyd, loves Jesus and is on a mission to make you smile. In addition to acting in the Tim Allen comedy, Jurgensmeyer is also a musician.
“I want to make people smile, and if that’s coming through my music, then that’s awesome,” the 14-year-old told Movieguide®.
In recent weeks, Jurgensmeyer released his first self-title studio album.
In the future, he intends to add more faith themes to his original songs.
“I would say a lot of my music on my album is all positivity…. They’re all very uplifting songs, and songs that I want to see people be able [to] love to tie in with their own lives,” Jurgensmeyer said.
Although music comes “somewhat naturally” to the young teenager, he still works to improve his craft.
“You have to practice all the time. You have to constantly be learning, learning new things, trying to write some, so I just had a writing session the other day,” he said. “It’s all about putting in the work really.”
Put in work, Jurgensmeyer has.
The young actor has multiple credits to his name and many projects in the works including a Disney Channel series and THE LEGEND OF 5 MILE CAVE, which will re-air Sunday 29, 2019 on INSP Network.
A few faith-based movie fans might remember Jurgensmeyer from WOODLAWN.
Jurgensmeyer often works with non-believers and said he thinks it’s OK to take on non-Christian roles provided he stays personally committed to his values.
However, a big reason the actor stays grounded in his faith is because of his parents.
“My parents and I, we pray before, every time before I go into an audition, before I go work every day. We always say prayer in the car before we get out just to have God on our shoulder.”
Jurgensmeyer doesn’t take the power of prayer for granted.
“[Prayer] really does help because it always it’s always a chance to talk and get stress off your off your back.”
He added that he feels a sense of peace after prayer.
“It feels like ‘OK, now it’s going to be good. Everything happens for a reason.’”
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Hard to believe she plays my Grandma! Lookin’ good @nancywaitforittravis @lastmanstandingfox
Jurgensmeyer completes his schooling in between jobs in the industry and told Movieguide® “I’ve always been a big fan of Bible class in general.”
What a breath of fresh air! Please continue to pray for the Lord’s hand over this young Hollywood star.