
‘Faith Is a Verb’: Roma Downey on Living for Christ

‘Faith Is a Verb’: Roma Downey on Living for Christ

By Movieguide® Contributor

Actress Roma Downey recently released Be an Angel—a 52-week devotional that she hopes will inspire readers to acts of kindness in their everyday interactions with those around them.

Angels have been “near and dear” to Downey’s heart for almost 30 years as she played an angel on the TV show TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL. As she prepared to write this book, she “went back into the Bible to remind myself just how many times angels showed up” and the important roles they played to “bring a message of God’s love.”

“Each chapter ends with a suggestion of how to be an angel for someone else,” she shared in a recent Movieguide® interview.

While we aren’t actual angels, “we can show kindness [and] tenderness” in the midst of a world that frequently communicates on social media in a “mean-spirited, nasty way…with bullying and snarkiness.”

“Whatever happened to encouragement and kindness?” she asked. “If we want to see a change in the world, it has to begin deep inside all of us.”

Downey also reflected on the isolating effects the COVID-19 lockdowns had on people.

“There’s people that live by themselves—older people, too—that maybe can’t get out to the shops,” she explained. “There’s a million things you could do to show up as an angel for somebody else.”

“Love [is] a verb,” she continued. “Faith [is] a verb. Anybody could say, ‘I love you.’ Or anybody could say, ‘I’m a believer.’”

“But it isn’t really until it’s put into action that we walk the walk, as well as talking the talk. And so Be an Angel really has been written as a reminder: take that action,” she emphasized.

Downey continued, “The essence of our faith [is] to love God and to love each other.”

“I wrote [Be an Angel] really hoping that it would comfort and strengthen anybody that’s gone through a time of loss, or grief, or disappointment. Anyone who’s experienced heartache, which, ultimately, usually is just about all of us.”

“Pastor Rick Warren always says to turn your pain into purpose,” Downey added. “And so I took some of the stories that, at the time, had broken my heart and tried to show how I got through them with God’s help, and how you might be able to too.”

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