
Twitter Censors UNPLANNED Actress Ashley Bratcher’s Pro-Life Tweet

Photo courtesy of Ashley Bratcher on Instagram

Twitter Censors UNPLANNED Actress Ashley Bratcher’s Pro-Life Tweet

By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor

UNPLANNED actress Ashley Bratcher tweeted a video about a couple’s parenting journey on December 10, 2019, only to have Twitter remove it from the social media platform.

FaithWire notes, “Bratcher’s video with the caption ‘a baby changes everything’ showcases parents as they learn they’re going to have a baby all the way until the baby’s birth.”

Dan Andros of FaithWire said, “Twitter (or Twitter’s all-knowing algorithm), however, felt differently about the video. Not long after Bratcher posted the video, users began noticing something strange. There was a ‘sensitive content’ warning attached [to] the video.”

Bratcher reached out to Twitter on the same day she initially posted the video to understand why it was censored.

However, Bratcher never got a response.

The following day, Bratcher reached out to Twitter once again but tagged conservative voices like Fox News and Matt Walsh to get the story out to the public.

This isn’t the first time Bratcher noticed Twitter’s censorship.

When UNPLANNED premiered in March 2019, Twitter briefly suspended the movie’s account.

Still, the actress holds fast to her pro-life convictions.

In recent months, Bratcher even traveled to Ireland to share her views on the meaning of choosing life.