Priscilla Shirer Explains Why We Can Trust God’s Promises
By Movieguide® Contributor
While we can often think of God in the same way we think about our friends, WAR ROOM actress Priscilla Shirer explained why He is so much bigger than that.
“[When] we believe or predict [how] He will act…we often limit our expectations of Him to what we’ve experienced within our human interactions,” Shirer said. “We’ve learned, for example, that not everybody who says we should get together for lunch sometime has the slightest intention of putting it on their calendar. Not everybody who says they’ll be praying for us will remember to do it…We think God is like that too.”
“But as the Bible says, ‘God is not a man that He should lie’ (Numbers 23:19). When He tells us to ask – as He does on multiple occasions in scripture – He’s not just trying to sound neighborly. He’s trying to involve us in His blessing,” she continued. “He’s wanting us to experience the fullness of our inheritance in Christ. He’s using a prayer transaction to build trust and relationship.”
It is for this reason that we can trust God with our deepest hopes and desires. While He may not respond in the way that we expect, our prayers do not go unheard – or unanswered.
While we may not always have the words to pray, “base your prayers directly on the promises of God,” she said.
“When we take Him up on His invitation to ask for what we need – both the big things and the small things – one of the greatest things He gives us is the opportunity to recognize exactly where our help is coming from,” Shirer added. “When we request and He answers, we are enabled to know beyond any doubt that He was the One working in our experience.”
“He has given everything you need to be able to sustain you, not just to live, but to honor God in your living,” she said previously.
“When we truly ask of the Lord, we’re not just hoping in general; we’re relating with our Father. We’re asking and seeking and knocking, just as His word instructs us to do (Matthew 7:7),” she added. “By inviting us to ask, He is continually connecting His life with ours. Every blessing becomes another noticeable expression of His loving care.”
Furthermore, because God is greater than any human, He is able to address the needs of our hearts that we do not even realize are there. He delights in providing for His children and will bestow blessings upon us that we do not deserve.
“Beyond what we could think to ask are things that only God knows,” Shirer explained. “And out there, in here, wherever our words come up short, His Spirit fills in the blanks, not allowing anything to touch our lives that cannot be co-opted to conform to His will.”
This promise is what allows us to hope in God and know that He works all things for His good.
Shrier has appeared in several Movieguide® Award-nominated movies, including OVERCOMER and WAR ROOM. She’s also slated to star in the Kendrick brothers’ upcoming movie THE FORGE.
Movieguide® previously reported:
Actress Priscilla Shirer gives an important reminder that you can never ask too much of God.
Shirer wants to remind people that God cares for us in a way that is difficult to understand. He does not give half-hearted support or only show up when it’s convenient for Him, He has genuine care for every single soul.
“The Bible says, ‘God is not a man, that He should lie’ (Numbers 23:19). When He tells us to [reach out]… He’s trying to involve us in His blessing. He’s wanting us to experience the fullness of our inheritance in Christ. He’s using a prayer transaction to build trust and relationship,” she wrote.
One of the wonderful things about God, Shirer points out, is that because he is greater than we are, no apprehension or worry in our lives is too great for Him to handle. Amazingly, He cares about the small things too, so when you bring something to God in prayer He never shys away.