Season 1 Episode 6

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This episode of MEDAL OF HONOR takes viewers to the Korean War, where Corporal Joseph Vittori and the U.S. Army held Hill Number 749, an important defensive position. When Hill 749 was attacked by the North Korean Army, nearly all of Vittori’s fellow soldiers were killed. Vittori ran back and forth between four machine gun posts, tricking the enemy troops into thinking the Marines had superior numbers. Vittori was killed in that conflict but single handedly forced the North Korean Army to retreat from their assault.
The “interview” portion of this episode is brilliant, involving Marines who haven’t seen each other in more than 60 years meeting again. This brings a wonderful present-day storyline into this historical docudrama. The filming of the dramatizations is really effective here, placing the camera on top of the hill looking down at the action. Serious scenes of warfare with multiple gunfights and the dramatizations are bloodier than other episodes. Some foul language occurs also, including one “f” word”. The episode offers a highly moral worldview honoring Vittori’s bravery and sacrifice, and celebrating the sacrifice of all soldiers.