

What You Need To Know:

DRAG ME TO HELL is an over-the-top, disappointing horror movie about a young woman being harassed by a demonic gypsy curse. Because she shamed her at the bank, an elderly gypsy woman curses a female loan officer. In three days, a demon will come and drag the woman to Hell against her will. To get rid of the curse, the woman consults psychics and spiritualist mediums. How far will she go to remove the evil curse?

DRAG ME TO HELL is not strong enough to be a feature-length movie. It would work better as a half-hour story with a twist. Even then, the movie is so overwrought that it’s really pointless to see it, in theaters or on DVD. Although this movie is hard to take seriously, moviegoers, especially Bible believing Christians, should not dismiss its strong occult worldview. This kind of occultism is abhorrent. It’s vital to your soul and your happiness and safety that you avoid this movie. Just as bad is the movie’s gruesome, gross violence and the fact that the demon wins in the end. You will waste your time seeing DRAG ME TO HELL.

HEADLINE: ** Demonic Evil Victorious **


Quality: * * Acceptability: -4



Language: LL

Violence: VVV

Sex: S

Nudity: None


RELEASE: May 29, 2009

TIME: 99 minutes

STARRING: Alison Lohman, Justin Long, Lorna Raver, Dileep Rao, David Paymer, and Adriana Barraza


PRODUCERS: Rob Tapert and Grant Curtis

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Joe Drake and Nathan Kahane

WRITERS: Sam Raimi and Ivan Raimi


DISTRIBUTOR: Universal Pictures/General Electric

CONTENT: (OOO, FRFR, LL, VVV, S, A, MM) Very strong occult worldview where a demon and a demonic curse win victory and heroine consults misguided, ultimately wicked and incompetent psychics and spiritualist mediums instead of relying on the power of Jesus Christ and the insights of the Bible, plus curse in movie implies that gypsies have power to curse people into Hell even though it is our sins that condemn us to Hell, so this is a strong example of a false religious (FRFR) notion that is not theologically or biblically true; five obscenities, two strong profanities and 14 light, mostly exclamatory profanities; very scary, sometimes gruesome and gross violence includes young woman fights an elderly crazy gypsy woman by kicking and punching and shoving a metal object into her throat, shadowy demon flings young woman against stove and other objects two or three times, other characters go flying during crazy séance sequence, implied sacrifice of kitten, corpse vomits liquid into young woman’s mouth, blood starts spraying from young woman’s nose and gets on her boss, anvil hits physical ghost on head and its eyes and brain pop out, demon drags boy into Hell, boy falls onto marble floor from inner balcony, demon drags woman to Hell as train barrels down on them, woman tries to return cursed object to dead gypsy woman’s corpse in her grave during a rainstorm, demon possess a goat and another séance participant, woman has heart attack, etc.; no sex scenes but kissing and unmarried couple shown sleeping together in bed, so there’s a very light hint of fornication with no scene actually leading into them sleeping in the bed together; no nudity; alcohol use; no smoking; and, gypsy woman expects another extension after missing two mortgage payments, gypsy woman curses protagonist with a threat of eternal punishment, lying, gypsy woman physically attacks another woman when she doesn’t get her way, and snobbery.

GENRE: Horror

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Older teenagers and adults

REVIEWER: Dr. Tom Snyder

REVIEW: DRAG ME TO HELL is an over-the-top, disappointing horror movie about a young woman being harassed by a demonic gypsy curse. It’s hard to take it seriously, but the movie has a very strong occult worldview that gives way too much power to demons. Such thinking is very dangerous as well as wrong.

In the story, a young woman working as a loan officer is vying for a higher position with a new guy. Her boss encourages her to make tough decisions to get the job, so she denies a third extension on a mortgage payment to an elderly gypsy woman. The gypsy woman goes crazy, so the young woman calls the security guards.

After work, the gypsy woman attacks her in the spooky parking garage. A huge fight develops between them. At the end of it, the gypsy woman curses the girl, using a button from the girl’s coat.

Later at her house, the girl is attacked by a shadowy demon. She tries to remove the curse by consulting psychics and spiritualist medium. They tell her that, at the end of three days, the demon will drag her soul to Hell. How far will the girl go to remove the evil curse?

DRAG ME TO HELL is not strong enough to be a feature-length movie. It has a TWILIGHT ZONE quality to it that would be better served as a half-hour story. Even then, the movie is so overwrought that it’s really pointless to make any effort to see it, in theaters or on DVD.

Although this movie is hard to take seriously, moviegoers, especially Bible believing Christians, should not dismiss its strong occult worldview. This kind of occultism is very abhorrent, even when treated comically, but it is believed by far too many people. Even many Christians place too much emphasis on the demonic world, including various silly theories about the coming of the “Anti-Christ.” We should focus on Jesus Christ and His Second Coming instead.

The bad thing about DRAG ME TO HELL, however, is not simply its occult worldview or its gruesome, gross, scary violence. It’s the fact that, in the story, the demon and the curse are so powerful that nothing really stands in their way. Thus, like many contemporary horror movies, DRAG ME TO HELL has an evil plot where demonic evil overcomes practically everything else in the movie. As such, it provides no release, no relief and no catharsis for the viewer. Even if you like horror movies like this, you will be wasting your time seeing this movie and investing your energy into it. It may be argued that this shows that the protagonist is punished for her failure to turn to God or Jesus, but only a warped, lost soul would enjoy seeing an evil, sadistic demon victorious.

Of course, according to the Bible, it is our sins that lead us into Hell after we die, not some gypsy curse, or any other thing. Faith in Jesus Christ leads us to salvation from Hell, and eternal life with God in heaven. By rejecting Jesus Christ’s vicarious death on the Cross, we reject Jesus, and thus reject eternal life in Heaven with Him. In a strange sense, Hell is the place we really want to go when we reject Jesus. It should be noted, however, that the Bible strongly suggests there are degrees of punishment in Hell and degrees of rewards in Heaven for our sins and our good works, respectively. It is much better to seek rewards in Heaven than sinful, empty lusts on Earth and eternal punishments in Hell. As Paul says in Galatians 5:6, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”

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Web Page: www.universalstudios.com

SUMMARY: DRAG ME TO HELL is an over-the-top, disappointing horror movie about a young woman being harassed by a demonic gypsy curse. It’s hard to take it seriously, but the movie has a very strong occult worldview that gives way too much power to demons.


DRAG ME TO HELL is an over-the-top, disappointing horror movie about a young woman being harassed by a demonic gypsy curse. Because she shamed her at the bank, an elderly gypsy woman curses a female loan officer. In three days, a demon will come and drag the woman to Hell against her will. To get rid of the curse, the woman consults psychics and spiritualist mediums. How far will she go to remove the evil curse?

DRAG ME TO HELL is not strong enough to be a feature-length movie. It would work better as a half-hour story with a twist. Even then, the movie is so overwrought that it’s really pointless to see it, in theaters or on DVD. Although this movie is hard to take seriously, moviegoers, especially Bible believing Christians, should not dismiss its strong occult worldview. This kind of occultism is abhorrent. It’s vital to your soul and your happiness and safety that you avoid this movie. Just as bad is the movie’s gruesome, gross violence and the fact that the demon wins in the end. You will waste your time seeing DRAG ME TO HELL.


(OOO, FRFR, LL, VVV, S, A, MM) Very strong occult worldview where a demon and a demonic curse win victory and heroine consults misguided, ultimately wicked and incompetent psychics and spiritualist mediums instead of relying on the power of Jesus Christ and the insights of the Bible, plus curse in movie implies that gypsies have power to curse people into Hell even though it is our sins that condemn us to Hell, so this is a strong example of a false religious (FRFR) notion that is not theologically or biblically true; five obscenities, two strong profanities and 14 light, mostly exclamatory profanities; very scary, sometimes gruesome and gross violence includes young woman fights an elderly crazy gypsy woman by kicking and punching and shoving a metal object into her throat, shadowy demon flings young woman against stove and other objects two or three times, other characters go flying during crazy séance sequence, implied sacrifice of kitten, corpse vomits liquid into young woman’s mouth, blood starts spraying from young woman’s nose and gets on her boss, anvil hits physical ghost on head and its eyes and brain pop out, demon drags boy into Hell, boy falls onto marble floor from inner balcony, demon drags woman to Hell as train barrels down on them, woman tries to return cursed object to dead gypsy woman’s corpse in her grave during a rainstorm, demon possess a goat and another séance participant, woman has heart attack, etc.; no sex scenes but kissing and unmarried couple shown sleeping together in bed, so there’s a very light hint of fornication with no scene actually leading into them sleeping in the bed together; no nudity; alcohol use; no smoking; and, gypsy woman expects another extension after missing two mortgage payments, gypsy woman curses protagonist with a threat of eternal punishment, lying, gypsy woman physically attacks another woman when she doesn’t get her way, and snobbery.

More Detail:

DRAG ME TO HELL is an over-the-top, disappointing horror movie about a young woman being harassed by a demonic gypsy curse. It’s hard to take it seriously, but the movie has a very strong occult worldview that gives way too much power to demons. Such thinking is very dangerous as well as wrong.

In the story, a young woman working as a loan officer is vying for a higher position with a new guy. Her boss encourages her to make tough decisions to get the job, so she denies a third extension on a mortgage payment to an elderly gypsy woman. The gypsy woman goes crazy, so the young woman calls the security guards.

After work, the gypsy woman attacks her in the spooky parking garage. A huge fight develops between them. At the end of it, the gypsy woman curses the girl, using a button from the girl’s coat.

Later at her house, the girl is attacked by a shadowy demon. She tries to remove the curse by consulting psychics and spiritualist medium. They tell her that, at the end of three days, the demon will drag her soul to Hell. How far will the girl go to remove the evil curse?

DRAG ME TO HELL is not strong enough to be a feature-length movie. It has a TWILIGHT ZONE quality to it that would be better served as a half-hour story. Even then, the movie is so overwrought that it’s really pointless to make any effort to see it, in theaters or on DVD.

Although this movie is hard to take seriously, moviegoers, especially Bible believing Christians, should not dismiss its strong occult worldview. This kind of occultism is very abhorrent, even when treated comically, but it is believed by far too many people. Even many Christians place too much emphasis on the demonic world, including various silly theories about the coming of the “Anti-Christ.” We should focus on Jesus Christ and His Second Coming instead.

The bad thing about DRAG ME TO HELL, however, is not simply its occult worldview or its gruesome, gross, scary violence. It’s the fact that, in the story, the demon and the curse are so powerful that nothing really stands in their way. Thus, like many contemporary horror movies, DRAG ME TO HELL has an evil plot where demonic evil overcomes practically everything else in the movie. As such, it provides no release, no relief and no catharsis for the viewer. Even if you like horror movies like this, you will be wasting your time seeing this movie and investing your energy into it. It may be argued that this shows that the protagonist is punished for her failure to turn to God or Jesus, but only a warped, lost soul would enjoy seeing an evil, sadistic demon victorious.

Of course, according to the Bible, it is our sins that lead us into Hell after we die, not some gypsy curse, or any other thing. Faith in Jesus Christ leads us to salvation from Hell, and eternal life with God in heaven. By rejecting Jesus Christ’s vicarious death on the Cross, we reject Jesus, and thus reject eternal life in Heaven with Him. In a strange sense, Hell is the place we really want to go when we reject Jesus. It should be noted, however, that the Bible strongly suggests there are degrees of punishment in Hell and degrees of rewards in Heaven for our sins and our good works, respectively. It is much better to seek rewards in Heaven than sinful, empty lusts on Earth and eternal punishments in Hell. As Paul says in Galatians 5:6, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”

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