Season 1 Episode 5

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Episodes: Season Overview
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“Chapter Five: The Flayed” of STRANGER THINGS centers on Will, Mike, Eleven, and pals as they realize that the “Mind Flayer” never disappeared from their dimension as they thought. Now, people are under the mercy of the creature’s appetite and doing ill in the community. Somehow, they must stop the Mind Flayer before it takes over the whole town. Meanwhile, Joyce and Hopper escape from a deadly situation and take along a Russian scientist with them. Dustin, Steve, Robin and Erica try to figure out a way to escape the underground facility under the Mall that’s manned by the Russians.
“Chapter Five: The Flayer” of STRANGER THINGS is an action-packed episode. It starts to increase the viewer’s understanding of all the different plot strands going on in Season 3. The episode has a light Christian worldview with strong moral, patriotic, anti-communist, and pro-capitalist elements. Thankfully, this episode lacks sex and nudity, but it makes up for that lack with some extreme violence, lots of foul language, and a strong amount of other objectionable elements. MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution for “The Flayer.”