
THIS IS US: The First Season: Pilgrim Rick



(BB, C, L, V, S, A, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview with an emphasis on the value of family, marriage and children, plus a family takes turns talking about things for which they’re thankful;

Foul Language:
Two obscenities and three profanities;

No violence except for a car blowing a tire which causes it to crash through a fence;

A woman mentions her father was unfaithful, and a woman mentions her husband is cheating on her;

No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
Mild alcohol content with a man shown drinking wine, a man shown drinking beer, a woman mentions drinking bourbon, a woman recalls her mother would get drunk and angry;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs;

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Anger and dysfunctional family life is discussed.

Episodes: Season Overview

1.29/27/2016The Big Three-2
1.410/18/2016The Pool-1
1.510/25/2016The Game Plan-2
1.611/1/2016Career Days-2
1.711/15/2016The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World-2
1.811/22/2016Pilgrim Rick-1
1.911/29/2016The Trip-2
1.1012/6/2016Last Christmas-3
1.111/10/2017The Right Thing to Do-3
1.121/17/2016The Big Day -2
1.131/24/2016Three Sentences-1
1.142/7/2017I Call Marriage-2
1.152/14/2017Jack Pearson’s Son-1
1.173/17/2017What Now-2
1.183/14/2017Moon Shadow-1

More Detail:

“Pilgrim Rick” is the eighth episode of NBC’s series of THIS IS US. The Pearsons head out on a road trip to go to Rebecca’s parents’ house for Thanksgiving. On the way, their car blows a tire, forcing them to abandon the dinner with grandparents and stay at a local motel instead. In the present day, Thanksgiving is at Randall’s house, and Kevin brings his girlfriend, Olivia. Kate decides to take a break from seeing Toby to gain clarity about what to do regarding her own weight and life plans. Beth, Randall’s wife, warns Rebecca she needs to tell Randall about how long she’s known Randall’s biological father, William, but Randall finds out the truth before she can tell him. 

“Pilgrim Rick” stresses the idea that life is short, so we ought to be making the most of the time by loving deeply, treasuring the now and refusing to live by fear. The episode also addresses the consequences of deception when Randall discovers his adoptive mother’s secret. Witnessing the Pearson family traditions is incredibly heartwarming, but the “Pilgrim Rick” episode contains brief foul language and verbal references to adultery, so caution is advised.

Watch THIS IS US: The First Season: Pilgrim Rick
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Watch THIS IS US: The First Season: Pilgrim Rick
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