
THIS IS US: The First Season: Kyle

Season 1 Episode 3



(BB, LLL, S, A, V, D, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview with an emphasis on the value of family, marriage, and children;

Foul Language:
12 obscenities and six profanities;

violence with a woman punching a man in the jaw when he accidentally scares her;

Mild sexuality with a man referring to his private parts, a man refers to a woman’s breast, men talk about sex and their desires for sex, woman hands a man a condom, and they are later shown sleeping in bed together;

No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
  Alcohol references include man mentions blacking out, a man’s closet contains a mini-bar, and he’s shown drinking in his closet several times;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking, but a man has drug needles in his apartment; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Deception, and some anger.

Episodes: Season Overview

1.29/27/2016The Big Three-2
1.410/18/2016The Pool-1
1.510/25/2016The Game Plan-2
1.611/1/2016Career Days-2
1.711/15/2016The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World-2
1.811/22/2016Pilgrim Rick-1
1.911/29/2016The Trip-2
1.1012/6/2016Last Christmas-3
1.111/10/2017The Right Thing to Do-3
1.121/17/2016The Big Day -2
1.131/24/2016Three Sentences-1
1.142/7/2017I Call Marriage-2
1.152/14/2017Jack Pearson’s Son-1
1.173/17/2017What Now-2
1.183/14/2017Moon Shadow-1

More Detail:

“Kyle” is the third episode of NBC’s series of THIS IS US. The episode reveals Randall’s name used to be “Kyle.” As Rebecca is leaving the hospital with her three babies, she sees William and realizes he’s Randall’s father. After privately tracking him down, she tells William to stay out of Randall’s life, but listens to William’s suggestion that she name him “Kyle,” the name of the poet that William and Randall’s mother fell in love while reading. Thirty-six years later, Toby performs a romantic gesture for Kate, but when Kevin calls wanting help, Kate abruptly leaves Toby to assist Kevin. Kevin realizes he’s holding Kate back and lovingly fires her. Kevin then leaves for New York.

The primary focus in the episode “Kyle” is that love for and loyalty to family, while invaluable, is often messy. Rebecca chooses to hide William’s identity from her husband and Randall. Kevin and Kate both learn they need to find their own adult independence. Jack and Rebecca learn how to grieve in their own unique ways. Caution is advised for older children because of some foul language and brief lewd content.

Watch THIS IS US: The First Season: Kyle
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Watch THIS IS US: The First Season: Kyle
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