Bethany Hamilton Explains How A Positive Mindset Changed Her Life
By Movieguide® Contributor
Wife, mother and pro surfer Bethany Hamilton opened up about how having the right mindset changed her life and has impacted her motherhood journey.
Hamilton, the inspiration behind Movieguide® Award-winner SOUL SURFER, posted a video on her Instagram and wrote, “What mindset is leading you?”
“How was I able to surf with one arm + compete and do crazy awesome things in surfing,” she continued. “I have shared with you all before just how much an epic mindset changes everything. 🤗 Choosing to be thankful, and realizing that so much more is possible than we may think! Often our mindsets are limiting, but we don’t have to stay in those limiting mindsets! Now being a mom and doing daily activities with my four children, this same sentiment is true.”
“I have spent 20 years now living life with one arm,” Hamilton added. “It is normal for me now to do daily things with my arm. There are days where I see the ease of having both arms for others, but that does not need to hold me back, because I can adapt! I have adapted and changed in so many ways for the better because of my accident years ago. You can adapt too!”
“What has pushed me to be resilient is no doubt my willingness to try,” she concluded. “But even more so my faith and life foundation being in God. I hope you can overcome the hard times in your life and find hope when all else fails.”
Having a positive mindset isn’t always easy for Hamilton, though. In a blog post, she wrote, “I can get caught in negative thought patterns or mind battles. These thoughts often aren’t honoring to myself, to God or to others. Know what I mean?”
When she gets trapped in negative thought patterns, the surfer takes “every thought captive…getting rid of thoughts that don’t align with Christ – choosing not to think about these thoughts and pushing them out of our brains.”
“When we have perspective, a cool mind, and a grateful heart we can start to take proper action,” she explained.
Many of Hamilton’s followers wrote about their own mind shifts they’ve experienced.
“I had a small stroke 4 months ago at a young age (I think),” one fan began. “Lost use of my right arm and hand for a while. I’m recovering and have use now (a little slow). I thought of you right away and I was so determined. God gave that peace that passes all understanding. He was with me then and is with me now. I will forever give my testimony to whoever will listen about God’s goodness. I have been so positive with strong faith. God is good.”
“I have several handicaps including a vocal condition that makes speaking very difficult,” another fan wrote. “I have a toddler and am pregnant with my second child. I still struggle, wondering how I’ll be able to raise my children and homeschool them (which is my dream) with such weak vocal cords. I’m praying the Lord will give me the strength to adapt and do the best I can.”
Movieguide® recently reported on Hamilton:
In an Instagram video commemorating the accident, Hamilton shared, “I lost my arm in a shark attack 20 years ago, but it never held me back from living my dreams.”
In the caption, the surfer wrote, “This month marks 20 years since one of the most impactful moments of my life when a shark took my arm while on a surfing off the coast of Kauai, my birth place. Many people could look at the incident back in 2003 as a major setback for me, but God had so much in store for the future!”
“It’s absolutely wild to think how my life started and where it is now and all the amazing yet challenging things in between,” she continued.
“I didn’t wake up in the hospital thinking I was invincible and was gonna get back to surfing. After getting a hint of inspiration, I had to dream it up, flip my mindset and be willing to do what I had not seen anyone else do,” Hamilton wrote. “This was a challenge to live in faith.”