
NCIS: NEW ORLEANS Accused of Perpetuating Mainstream Media’s False Narratives 

NCIS: NEW ORLEANS Accused of Perpetuating Mainstream Media’s False Narratives 

By Movieguide® Staff

CBS’s hit show NCIS: NEW ORLEANS came under fire as fans accused the series of bowing a knee to the mainstream media. In particular, the show has been accused of displaying the sometimes violent riots as nothing more than peaceful protests.

Media Research Center contributing writer Lindsay Kornick voiced her opinion and said that the show sought to appease a progressive mindset.

“The latest episode somehow went further to appease a ‘burn the establishment’ progressive and her mostly ‘peaceful’ crowd,” Kornick wrote. “The January 3 episode ‘Operation Drano, Part 1’ has NCIS Agent Pride (Scott Bakula) taking part in a commission put forth by the mayor to solve the issues plaguing the city. Sadly, that does not include the actual issues in New Orleans like high crime or taxes but rather the vague progressive issues of ‘systemic inequality.’ In fact, Pride himself claims the city ‘was born’ of systemic inequality. This leads to a heated argument between former police superintendent Michael Holland (Gareth Williams) and progressive voice Allie Briggs (Hannah Hodson).”

Moreover, Kornick said that the show’s dialogue reflects similar Democratic talking points and the mainstream media’s tone.

“Of course, the one person who doesn’t think the police are racist is seen as the unreasonable one,” Kornick wrote. “This leads to Pride trying to get Holland to reconsider his mindset on viewing the city as inherently racist. He even goes so far as to peddle the usual statement that the ‘vast majority’ of [Black Lives Matter] BLM protestors are just peaceful idealists being dragged by a few bad actors. Strange how the police never get that benefit of the doubt.”

According to Fox News, this is readily apparent to the aware viewer, and the press’s eagerness to cover for the violent protestors is alarmingly consistent.

In NCIS: NEW ORLEANS, the one pro-cop character in the series “relents to the BLM message and even agrees to work with the commission to try to reform the cash bail system,” according to Kornick.

“To see a long-running show like ‘NCIS: New Orleans’ go so low as to sell out New Orleans to appease whiny progressives like Allie is disappointing on its own. To see it sell out New Orleans while still peddling BLM lies is just the final nail in the coffin,” Kornick added.

MOVIEGUIDE® Editor Tom Snyder says the series has sadly been the most politically correct of the three NCIS programs. He notes it also has had the lowest ratings of the three series.


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