
Pastor Greg Laurie Baptizes 4,500 at Pirates Cove Event

Photo from Greg Laurie’s Instagram

Pastor Greg Laurie Baptizes 4,500 at Pirates Cove Event

By Movieguide® Contributor

Signs of a nationwide spiritual revival continue as Greg Laurie baptizes 4,500 people at Pirates Cove event. 

“The Jesus Revolution movie demonstrated ‘the power of baptism and more significantly, what salvation looks like visually,’” Laurie posted on Instagram. “‘By watching someone get baptized the way it was done in the film it really conveyed what conversion can look like. It really resonated with a lot of people.’” 

The scale of this baptism event was truly incredible; comparing even to those that occur in Acts during the early stages of the church. “Those who accepted [Peter’s] message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day” (Acts 2:41). 

“This may be the largest baptism in American history, maybe world history. God knows, but it was AMAZING! We give Him all the Glory,” Laurie said, speaking about the scope of the event. 

The baptism at Pirates Cove reminds Laurie of the baptisms he experienced during the Jesus Movement 50 years ago; however, the number of people being reached is even larger than it was back then. 

“There were never crowds like this 50 years ago in the Jesus Movement. This is new and fresh. What’s happening is clearly inspired by the Jesus People revival. People want to have their own revival today. This IS Revival-like. No question about it,” Laurie told Evangelist Matt. 

There is no doubt that the JESUS REVOLUTION movie played a part in the large-scale baptism event that took place last weekend. Laurie heard time and time again how people were inspired to get baptized because of the movie. 

“In the movie, I was able to see Greg Laurie’s transition of going from non-believer to a believer while he was meeting all these people, like Lonnie Freesbie,” 17-year-old Christian Los told Laurie. “It reminded me of the people that I have met along the way.” 

67-year-old Bill Ellison told Laurie that he had “Always believed in God,” but prior to this point in life was not ready to proclaim Jesus as his savior. It was through Christian media like JESUS REVOLUTION and Laurie’s Harvest Church that he finally decided to commit himself to Christ.  

Large faith events like this have started to become more common as people across the country are turning to God amidst spiritual revivals. Earlier in the summer, over 4,000 people were baptized at Pirates Cove during an event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Jesus Movement. 

Movieguide® previously reported: 

Over 4,000 people were baptized at Pirate Cove in Southern California last weekend as 280 churches celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Jesus Movement.  

Oceans Church, a ministry located in Orange County, organized Baptize So Cal, an event advertised as “the largest water baptism in history.” Over 8,000 people watched as 4,166 people declared their faith in Jesus.   

“What an amazing and historic day,” West Coast Life Church pastor Ray Gene Wilson said. “Thousands baptized at Pirates Cove, God is moving in California.”