Published: November 1, 2022
Netflix - 11/23/2022

THE BAD GUYS - 11/1/2022
+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)THE BAD GUYS is an excellent animated adventure about classic storybook villains on a mission to turn their conniving ways into community service. THE BAD GUYS is an overwhelmingly positive morality tale, with Christian, biblical references, that exchanges evil for good and shows that even the people we believe are most beyond redemption just need some encouragement to pursue the ways of the righteous.
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+3 Some minor questionable elements. (Media-wisdom is suggested to discuss.)With slingshot, marbles, wagon, and dog Ruff in tow, DENNIS THE MENACE is a disaster waiting to happen, and he is headed for his favorite next-door neighbor, George Wilson. Walter Matthau is literally on the defensive as the cranky old Mr. Wilson, running for his life from the baby-toothed, tow-headed "Menace," brought to inexhaustible life by newcomer Mason Gamble. DENNIS THE MENACE is a harmless, entertaining, fun summer treat for children of all ages. The film portrays a way of life where children are still allowed to be children, happy and safe, neighbors look out for each other, and people and relationships are valued and important.
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DOLPHIN TALE - 11/1/2022
-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.Based on a true story, DOLPHIN TALE is an emotional movie about 11-year-old Sawyer who rescues a beached dolphin that has been caught in a fisherman’s trap. DOLPHIN TALE respects life and extols intelligent design, although it has some dramatic flaws and Hazel prays to her dead mother and asks her father to tell Sawyer the Chumash Indian story that dolphins are people too.
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+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)In THE LEGEND OF ZORRO, Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta-Jones continue the new adventures of Zorro and his family, in a rousing story about a secret society's plot to conquer the new state of California and start a civil war in the United States. THE LEGEND OF ZORRO is filled with exciting action, humor and American patriotism, as well as a very strong Christian worldview and very strong moral values.
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THE PINK PANTHER 2 - 11/1/2022
+2 Moderately questionable elements.PINK PANTHER 2 brings back bumbling Inspector Clouseau, played by Steve Martin, who leads a team of top detectives trying to stop a thief who’s stealing priceless items. Though it contains a few light profanities and slapstick violence, this excellent movie delivers many laughs with mostly clean content and a positive message supporting marriage.
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-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.CAPTAIN PHILLIPS is the true story of the kidnapping of Captain Richard Phillips and his crew off the coast of Africa by Somali pirates in 2009. CAPTAIN PHILLIPS is an intense, riveting drama with a strong moral, patriotic worldview. Caution for younger children is advised.
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THE BOXTROLLS - 11/23/2022
-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.THE BOXTROLLS is a quirky and slightly edgy, but loveable and highly entertaining, animated feature about an orphaned boy, a girl, some misunderstood monsters, an “exterminator,” and some pompous cheese aficionados. THE BOXTROLLS teaches some strong moral lessons, but the slightly edgy content warrant a very light caution
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Amazon Prime - 11/23/2022

+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)ARTHUR CHRISTMAS shows just how Santa Claus gets all those gifts to the children on Christmas Eve. Playful and heartwarming, ARTHUR CHRISTMAS has a strong moral worldview that stresses every child is valuable, but it also has an emphasis on Santa and the “magic” of Christmas.
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-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.SURVIVING CHRISTMAS is a very funny movie with some nice references to Christmas about people who learn to live, forgive and love, but it is bogged down by too much foul language and a young boy who likes to look at porn on the computer – though he finally regrets it. There may be an audience that adopts this movie as one of their quirky Christmas favorites; the broader audience, however, will be put off by the unnecessary elements.
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CYRANO (2021) - 11/23/2022
-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.CYRANO (2021) is a musical drama based on a Broadway production based on the famous French play about a talented wordsmith and swordsman who helps a young soldier write love letters to a beautiful woman but is in love with the woman himself. Surprisingly entertaining, CYRANO presents an incredible, profound insight into romance versus true love and redemption, with many Christian references and settings, including prayers. Caution is advised for children.
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Disney+ (Sing-Along Versions) - 11/1/2022

-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.MARY POPPINS RETURNS, set years after the original Disney movie musical, finds Michael Banks (and his sister Jane) all grown up, and Michael has his own children who are in desperate need of a Nanny. MARY POPPINS RETURNS has a strong moral worldview, with more imagination and less magical thinking, about supporting each other as a family. Adorable and enjoyable, MARY POPPINS RETURNS will entertain the entire family.
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- Content: +3

- Content: +4