Jon Voight Speaks Out Against ‘Appearance of Satan’ in Hollywood
By Movieguide® Contributor
Actor Jon Voight recently voiced his concerns about the “appearance of Satan” in Hollywood.
“In the time of my life, I’ve seen an enormous change in this country,” he told Newsmax his Rob Schmitt. “And it’s all been quite disturbing.”
“You know, much of this cultural rot comes from where you live in southern California, in the business that you’re in,” Schmitt said. “I’m not saying that as an insult; it’s just a fact.”
Voight claimed that this began with the KGB, whose goal was to “divide the United States, divide the citizens of the United States, through the press, through the schools, take God out of the schools and divide the country by race and age and gender. And they certainly have accomplished this in this rather short period of time.”
He explained how these Marxist values “certainly” do not come from God
“Now we have an amazing, you know, appearance of Satan in our community now,” Voight said. “It’s a difficult time.”
Voight’s assessment is confirmed by the increase in Satanic content throughout the entertainment industry.
Earlier this year, the Grammy’s celebrated Sam Smith’s “horror movie-inspired” song, “Unholy,” where the singer dressed as Satan.
More recently, Doja Cat’s “Demons” music video features the singer dressed as a “devilish creature.”
Movieguide® also reported that “Disney+ has greenlit a new German original series, PAULINE, that follows a love story between a teenage girl and the devil.”
While Hollywood’s satanic agenda continues to infiltrate the culture, Voight has hope.
“Despite those tribulations, the actor said he has ‘great hope’ as people discover ‘pernicious’ activity unfolding. He concluded by proclaiming, ‘The truth will prevail,’” Faithwire reported.
Voight has been outspoken about his faith and the corruption in society. Movieguide® previously reported:
“Family is so important, and family is being attacked by people who are really trying to tear down the fabric of our society, it’s true,” Voight told the Christian Post. “I don’t want to get into any kind of conspiracy stuff, but it’s really happening. So we have to protect the values of our country and the values of family and guide the focused lives; we have to protect that aspect.”