Hey Disney, What’s Up with All the Porno-Violence in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE?
By Movieguide® Staff
Hey Disney,
Seriously, what’s the deal? Your wholesome brand is tarnished by the hits of gore and violence in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE. Even the trailer’s a bloodbath, packed with language that would make Mickey blush. And let’s not forget the hardcore drug references. Do better, Disney.
Remember when Disney CEO Bob Iger swore to keep Disney+ family-friendly? Then they got greedy after turning a small profit, dropping TV-MA content like it’s hot. Unsuspecting children tuned in to be hit with grittier Marvel shows and R-rated movies like DEADPOOL and WOLVERINE.
It was a $4 billion mistake. Yep, billion with a B.
Iger himself said, “As we got into the streaming business in a very, very aggressive way, we tried to tell too many stories. Basically we invested too much, way ahead of possible returns. It’s what led to streaming ending up as a $4 billion loss.”
Read. That. Again.
Disney lost $4 BILLION, and they’re still pushing DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE down our throats, trashing family values like it’s a sport.
Critics aren’t biting either. Our reviews of the previous movies indicate they’re a redemption-free zone:
“The plot of DEADPOOL is mediocre at best,” Movieguide® writes of the first DEADPOOL. “The only interesting element is the snarky attitude Wade exhibits and the breaking of the Fourth Wall. This becomes overused, however, AND tiresome. Also, the jokes are repetitive and hardly go beyond simplistic vulgar, lewd references. DEADPOOL is also filled with gratuitous sex, violence and vulgarity. DEADPOOL, the character and the movie, stands against all the values Marvel’s other movies celebrate, and it’s a terrible shame.”
For THE WOLVERINE, Movieguide® says, “THE WOLVERINE tries to show a deeper, darker, more emotional side to Logan. Sadly, the filmmakers fail to do this on almost every level. THE WOLVERINE lacks substance and values, and the characters are weak and uninspiring. The movie also has a mixed worldview with several Buddhist elements. Also, the characters act immorally. That said, Logan does fight evil and is always willing to sacrifice himself for others. This redemptive aspect of heroism aligns with the biblical worldview of standing and fighting for others. Ultimately, however, THE WOLVERINE is marred by some gruesome and even graphic violence, implied sexuality, and foul language. Movieguide® advises extreme caution for THE WOLVERINE.”
Disney thinks we’ll sacrifice our souls for their violent flicks. But we know better, violence leaves a mark on our hearts and minds.
Movieguide® Founder and Publisher Ted Baehr explores the effects of violence in his book The Media-Wise Family:
The emotive heart of drama is conflict and the ultimate conflict ends in violence. The Bible is full of violence and the Gospel story has one of the most violent scenes imaginable, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The presentation of violence in the entertainment media is not always bad and is sometimes necessary. It is, however, critical to protect young children from such violence and to identify how the violence is presented in the entertainment product so you can discern whether it’s necessary and furthers the Good and the True.
Ron Maxwell, director of GETTYSBURG, said that while violence was essential to the movie’s storyline, he purposely avoided porno-violence with its excessive blood, guts and gore. His discretion made GETTYSBURG a better movie that could reach a broader audience.
On the other hand, violence can have a demonic, pornographic appeal. The Roman Empire featured spectacles of live violence. Gladiators fought to the death, Christians were fed to lions and all manner horrible killing was offered as entertainment to a stadium full of spectators. This same demonic taste can be fed with movies, videos, games, and online content. It is, in fact, a stage into which many people addicted to pornography sink. What may start out as simple sexual attraction devolves into darker and darker pits of hell.
We’re hitting Disney where it hurts – keeping our money in our wallets and skipping DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE. We won’t let the darker pits of hell take control of our hearts and minds.
The folks at Movieguide®