Writer Orson Scott Card Stands Up for His Religious Beliefs, and Meets Nothing but Hatred, Hellfire, and Possible Dismissal.
Gay rights activists are calling for the dismissal of novelist and screenwriter Orson Scott Card, on account of his religious stance against homosexuality. Known best as the author of the popular book Ender’s Game, which is currently being turned into a movie, Card has never minced words on his opinion of homosexuality. However, he also has also never discriminated against a person because of their sexuality, as he is now being discriminated against for his opinion.
In Sunstone magazine , Orson Scott Card himself wrote these words:
“After a while I stopped being shocked to discover that someone I had known well, or whose talent I admired, was either moving into or already a part of the not-so-clandestine network of gay relationships. I learned that being homosexual does not destroy a person’s talent or deny those aspects of their character that I had already come to love and admire.”
Card goes on to describe how his religion – Mormonism – dictates he not accept homosexuality, but still be completely kind and compassionate to each and every homosexual he comes in contact with. His failure to completely condone or, much less, champion homosexuality, however, is enough for groups from around America to begin attacking and condemning him.
Gay rights activists are now calling for DC comics to fire Orson Scott Card, simply for what he believes. The groups that call daily for “a new age of tolerance” are failing to display their most-beloved trait in the face of Card. Would they truly deny a man a job because of his choice – just as they in they past had been discriminated against for theirs? Is this the America they have claimed to have “bettered”?
Dr. Ted Baehr, well-known conservative media critic and founder of Movieguide®: The Family Guide to Entertainment, thinks this is defining moment for many different groups in America. In a statement Tuesday Dr. Baehr said,
“For years the entertainment industry has argued for freedom of speech to show material that was inoffensive and material that was offensive, and they have applauded freedom of speech. The Oscar Card incident is an example of a double standard. If the entertainment industry wants freedom of speech, then HE deserves freedom of speech. The point of free speech is not that we agree with everything, but we believe that out of the open discussion of free speech the good will win out.”
Will people of all religions in America – many of which oppose the action of homosexuality – be forced to resign from their jobs simply for exercising their freedom of speech? Will they be forced to hide their opinions in the coming years out of fear of being blacklisted from the entertainment industry? Is this a culture that entertainment – the very essence of which is freedom of speech – wishes to be allowing to fester and grow?
Dr. Baehr is chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission® (CFTVC) ministry and director of its family guide to movies and entertainment, Movieguide® (www.movieguide.org). CFTVC and Movieguide® are an international non-profit ministry, advocacy group, and watchdog dedicated to “redeeming the values of the entertainment industry by influencing industry executives and by informing and equipping the public about the influence of the entertainment media.”
For more information, visit www.movieguide.org or call 1-888-248-6689.